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St. Paul, Minn., June 1. 1S74.
Si'KriAi. \
No. in r
1...Pursuant	to authoritycontained in General Orders* No. 3. scries of ISG7, War Department, Adjutant tienerals Office, the Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation hem*' to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to Private Jirnthanfl Strivborkf Company ? 11,? f>th Infantry on furlough without means to return to hi?* proper station. Jf is Post <'out-mandcr will be duty informed of the amount paid that the expense may he charged against Private Striuhock on his next muster and pay roll.
11...Assistant	Surgeon J. W. William* and Acting Assistant Surgeon /??. A. Dari*, U. 8. A., stationed respectively at Forts Riec and Ahraham Lincoln, D. T.. will report to Lieutenant Colonel (1. .L C?*lrr, 7th Cavalry, for dutv with the Black Hills Expedition.
111 ...So much of the sentence in the ease of IP. F. I/tn<i<lon, late private Company ? I)/* 7th Infantry, promulgated in General Orders No. ">0. series of 1872, from these headquarters as relate** to confinement ami which remains unexecuted is hereby remitted.
IV...The	Quartermaster?s Department will furnish transportation hence to Fort Ahraham Lincoln, l>. T., for Private Maw** HVi*, Company ? (.J,? 7th Cavalry.
V...Acting	Assistant Surgeon G. 1C. Isonl% LT. S. A., having reported for duty in this department will proceed to Fort Buford, D. T.t and report to Major M. A. Reno, 7th Cavalry, for dutv with the escort to the Northern Boundary Survey Commission.
By Command ok BitinAmmt Okxkhai. Tkkky.
o. n. <? UKKXK,
A**i*lont (tenenr.

Williams, Dr John W 023
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