Obituary Record

Ladner, Francois  -  December 29, 1898

Since our last issue there passed into death Francois Ladner, aged 66 years which sad event occurred on Thursday, December 29, 1898. Mr. Ladner was rallying from a severe attach of la gripe when heart trouble took a fatal turn. He died as he had lived - a Christian, received the last sacraments of the Catholic church. He was a valued member of St. Joseph's Benevolent Association, the members attending the funeral in a body, which took place the following Friday morning and was noted for its large attendance. The deceased was one of the best known and esteemed citizens of the Bay, leaving many acquaintances and friends to deeply mourn his death besides his wife, two grown daughters and six grown sons. The Echo condoles with the bereaved.

Source: Sea Coast Echo 01/07/1899

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