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Hancock County Fair
for Tfcii jall
The organization of people
o form a county wide fair for rnl Fl^nil 1A R ilV ianoock County Is ipow a reality, '-'J'** UCI1U18 tfter several planning meet-
Killed in Action
planning nge to discuss the possibilities of such a county wide event this 'all are now behindhand a definite name given to tba affair -
i	an cock County F*ir Livestock Show; the detail planning will be lone by various ooaunlttee that lave been appointed^
Ruble Or iff to, loefelattorney and preddest of the Hancock bounty Clumber of Commerce, was the person who ooncelved >f this event be owning a reality for Hancock * County. Other in* ?rested persons and groups lave given fdU aipport behind Griffin, and tftw* several gene* ral meetings, *Woh were held at Kiln Anhttgiitlcin School,
?lection of ,o(fioers and directors we^UHt^flte following using na?*dtfj;-Hif>le Griffin, president, $rfau?, vioe-president, s?Qinn, m?< r^'aryi^^^^rV'r?;
la f?dte	W?
anthusiaaifrSad	beiflvin
to this project, both the board df, directors and various oom-mittee members were sel*$ed from till areas of the county.
Below U a oomplete list of the board of directors:
Gerald York, Pearllngton Community, Leroy Hall, Pear* lington Community. .George Ladner, Aruley Community, Mrs. Gloria Servat, Lakeshore Community. John Bordafes, Lakeshore Community, Mrs, J, l>. Saleeby, Clermont Harbor Community, Harold Garcia, -lermont Harbor, Tommy Kidd, Waveland Community, Mrs, 0, 3uke, Homemakers Council, Billy Breland, Bay St. Louis Community, BiHy Burrow, Bay St. Louis Comnrantty, Lamar imlth, Bay St. Loots Community
i,	H. Shattack*. Bay St. Louis Community, D*v* McDonald, Jay St. LouisOommvmlty, Wesley Haaa, Kiln Comm?nlty,Vrs. Jetty YoungerHusJCUn Community, James R. Kelly, Wave-tuid Community, Cleveland Wyatt, Kiln Community, Clar-mce Ladner, Fentoo Community, James LaxSoer, Dedeam
Vtnmimllv Ktwwtt T JiArjtr
Corporal Dennis M, Ray, 21, U&: Marina Corps, was killed in the QuanTrlPronnoe. Vietnam, April 20 by an M-lf rifle.
His parents. Mr. and Mrs, Donald H, Ray Sr. of 284 Hickey St., W?aveland were notified Friday of his death by Major i,
E.	Jones, Inspector Instructor. UJS, Marine Corps, Gulfport Naval Base. Details of his death are incomplete.	~~'
Corporal Ray w?suajrvtof with Company B:llth Engloeer Battalion, Third Marine Division. He went to Vietnam De-\ oember 10,1M7, where be wm on duty tor a year. Heoame home on a &0-day Uavelast Christmas and volunteered to r?t\tro to Vietnam tor another six-mouth, tow of duty, He em* Hfted ln^h* Marine Oorfrrto Mr 1M7. ui reo#lv?d tiil# training at Parris island, S,C,? and Camp LeJeune, N, C.
A native of New Orleans, Corporal Ray moved with his family to Waveland in 1888, He was a graduate of Bay High School and a member of St, Clare's Catholic Church.
Survivors. In addition to his
Bay-Waveland YachTCfab will sponsor a Smorgasbord and Fashion show to be presented by Sea Chest, Saturjky, May 10, starting at 0:30 p.m. for the Henry Chapman Memorial fund. Donation will be $2 per person.'
Prooeeds will go toward the purchase of a new Flying Soot iallboat.
Prizes to be given away were donated by Hanoock Ban*,,Gulf Thrifty Drug, The Sea Chest and Coast Electric,
We're Growing
- ? ?iLi^lT
parents, am two brother*. Do-My fa andD^ieiHay,
?	ittd ?>?Drter; MlasLtodaRay ""nWavouon, Tunerai eervtow irUl be frotn Rtomanhs?*52ejS Whitfield Funeral Home with religious servloes at St, Clare's Cahollc Church, interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery. New Orleans.
Complete arrangementsar* pending awaiting arrival of the body.
Stock law election preliminaries and a public hearing on proposed i amendments to county ? siixlivlalon regulations were the:1 major Items- a* the Monday docketof theHancook County board**rvi*ers.
With the aaelstaiyse of Cir-cuit Clerk -Lamar Otis, the board, stated President Russell Elliott, hadfotmd M8eqt*lihed slgnaturee on the petition calling for the stocklawelection. The number represents over the 20 percent of eligible voters rf<julred by law. Seven slgna-tures found to be duplications were voided by the board, Saturday, June 81, was set as the date of the forthcoming election which will determine whether or not' stock owners will be permitted to continue grazing their animals on open range. This is the year1 s second attempt on to* part of the board and petttloners to settle the bU-terly contested issue at the polls,^ ib? 1!t^*hitvlng been itrojk down by ih* owrrt, lar-
gely on legal technicalttles, the day before-the scheduled elec> Hon. .	- -	.
Should the <icMratlott pass; stoekmen will h?ve eo days in which to corral their htrds and
>	two -year a,. subdivision' f tfrtfamd amendments by the Hancock County Planning Commission were tabled for future consl-, deration by the board after a public hearing attends d by realtors, developers, and other Ins'-
(Cont, on Page 3-A.)
We introduce the supervisors
Neville R .Jacob Public Relations Officer Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission
This Is the first In a aeries under this title being released to the oounty newspaper, The Sea Gout Echo,
Comments, and or rajuBsts to be plaoed on the mailing list, should be addressed to:
Neville R, Jacob,

American Legion 09
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Hancock County Historical Society
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