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To the Editor of the N. C. Tines:—
On Thursday last (1'srch 23, 1371), deserting for the time the camp of the "ink-slingers," I started by the eight A. M. train of the Mobile e Qhattanooga railroad, for a place some 2? miles distant known as 'Tiller!s Bayou."
In several places along the route, we noticed g~ngs of workmen repairing and .strengthening the road, which is now m excellent condition, ar.d. is being improved every day, so . that at no distant time it will no doubt be equal to any in the country. The passenrer coaches are eleeant and comfortable, and the trains all go on time.
Arriving at Tiller's Bayou I inquired for Kr. \Tm. B.	Killer,
and was soon seated in a skiff and. rowed ov^r to his house.	Here
I was supplied with a pirogue or canoe, and with gun and amunit ion, accompanied by Kr. Killer as guide, I sallied	y
forth to work havoc on the feathered residents Df the innumerable bayous, which line both sides of the road for miles distant.
"Paddling ons's	own canoe,"	sounds very fine	on paper,
but	one who tries it	for 3 or 10	hours, will find	more of a
new, than a pleasant sensation, in fact, although it is fun, it is very much like work.
It was not without considerable excitement, however, as the game was Plentiful, and I was kept busy on the look-out to get	a chance for a shot before I	was discovered.	In the
evening I found that	my share of	the "plunder" was ten ducks,
while my more experienced companion bagged about thirty.
In these bayous fish abound, perch, trout, red fish, etc., being very plentiful, and it is surprising that while fish are so near at hand and so easily caught, in our markets .the prices should rule so high.
Ten o'clock found me again on Canal street, having enjoyed p very r.ieasart dsv away from the dust and noise of the pent up li'e if the city.
(K.O. "Times" Km. 'arch 27, 1871 p ^ c 5)

BSL 1699 To 1880 Hunting-Party-1871
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