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^	"*>■	~4-£<
To establish and incorporatethe'Totvn of ■e	Shieldsborough.'	»
' vSec. i.:Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of % ■Mississippi in General Assembly convened, That tne Jilace situated-on, the "West side'^Pthe Bay St. Louis, in the county --of Hancock, known by-.'the name of Shieldsborough, is Hereby declared to be a town; under then&ne of Shields-. ^ borough; arid it*shall be the duty of tbe^i owners, thereof/ to 'deposited In the# ' clerk’s office of:the*county court of the county aforesaid, tyithm. $i.i months af-. ter the passage of this act, a plat of sai4 1 town.	*...
Sec.; 2, And be if, further cHar/crf, That the-town of Shifeldsborpugh'be, andth^ s safae; is hereby incorporated, ^andvtheir^ citizens of said town.are hereby author 'v
(lie Truntora of, fee. r SsKelisKorough, and 06 Such, OievaivJ i
,	\	*	.	t.	*11	'	nlD	in
jt . defelide^ inail manner of suits ^tid.jy^
W. tioris,;ih either law br equity; and also',
%/ to do all acts whic^rlaro incident to bo-.
dies^corporate. and’ politic.'c ■■
' Stc. 4, .fihd be ii'forthcrencicted, Thai *	-	;
*	oi^jonfy; of said trustee?, at their first May not |L£, of any'subsequent meeting, ineach and by; everjryear, have pppwer and authori- taK‘ ty, to raise such sum or sums of. money,
WT as 'they !%lfall think necessary jfor the .
•	?fcv yelfregulation of said town; which sum
^" . tfrsiims shall be assessed upon the land	\
v M'.;
samejs nercDy incorporated, anavxneT^--vk . acuuruiug w	:
citizens of said town.are hereby author '	m.?	|ished .by the tru3tees,tan _co e (
rized, on.thfe first Monday in,April, an-*	?| ^the collectbr, .by supli a
»*	.	.t	_	i	^	.l,	/	*k\	m	:„j	/nf in Riir.h ijnannert
nually, atthe'court house- in said town, •to vote for fiye ^persons, inhabitants of
•	said town, ‘ as trustees;' a ■ majority of whom shall constitute a quorum to do' Business: also a town treasurer, assessor and collector, to serve for the* term of one; yean which said election shall be • superintended by a justice of the peace, and shall commence at ten ojdock in* the forepopfi, and .closeat three o’clock' in the afterroori of the sameday,
. Sac. 3. And£e iffurther enacted, That; the said trustees shall be a body corporate and^polhic/by the name and
• *	s	‘
paid.and dispose*!;of in Buich' a fanner,’ sa<d trustees* shall provide; pro-Wi :-vidSd'8Uch sum sh&ll*riot, in' any one- ■
!R; -year,Exceed one half of the amount di- Amomv ‘ r^cted'by iawto be’eoirected^ias astate nL^tax,6&*persons and propertywmthin	t
^sai&1jD\vn; but if that igtyaa be insufficient^ _ . "jr to answer the purpose of; well • regula-*
J toting; tiie said town, it shall be lawful for.
-	Jfcajority of said 4rus.^es, to, call »;♦ f-; meetingdfthe'laudholders, freeholders
*	'apd household ere. of said tawa,:by, giv-'
, c^IiDgifive days previous notice »■ of * such: .. c ’ rae&fi’ns;, and the saiS landholders, fre^-	*

BSL 1699 To 1880 Incorporation-Charter-1818-(1)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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