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IT 00136	1	t	S'
onir.Ars coast art circ^
1915 through 1930s
wpa - 193.7
A Hancock County truly native artist vas Horace A. Russ,\vho vas born at 7o~to-r., in 1 ^>7 • His parents ^ere Van and Lorraine Russ
He received his ^rir.^.ry education In a one teacher, one roorc school in T.oetovn and his hich school education at Warren Tastcn High ~ohoo] , Orleans. He did extension vork r.t lulane Universitj Louisian.’5 rtate University, Colurbia University and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.
He held the position of Instructor in the Industrial Art r-e'ssrtrent of '-’arrpn rast>n ?Tif?h School fron 191? to 19?5. Vas then transferred to the Denartr.cnt of Fine Arts vhere he served through the l°?Os.
Horace A. Russ vog one of the founders of the Arts £•. Crafts Clul of !<?%• Orleans, served rr loard of l;i rectors rnd as Director of the Art rchool. He vas one of the founders and charter rerbers and President of thft «ev Orleans Art league comrosrd of ren and organizec in 1c?7. A n^rson had to be a vorkinr artist and vas admitted to in th~ Teague on the rerits of his vork. He vas also Dn the j'oard of Tirectors of the !’~v Orleans Art Association, one of thi oldest art associations in the Ccuth bein? founded-in 1?02. He yas on the ^ury of the Southern rtates Art league. To be eligible for rerbership in this League, a person had to be torn in the r;outh or have lived there for five years, and be a working artist.
Russ vas also one of the founders and first President of the Fine Arts Deoartrent of Louisiana Teachers. Association organized in 1931+ ?nd vas also one of-the founders ani the virst Vice President of the School ?‘asters Club corr>Pred of ren teachers. He served on the Lorrd of Directors of the Teachers Credit Union.
Horace Russ1 specialty ’«?as "roats" and he exhibited at Nev Orleans Art Lea rue, -e1-’ Orleans ?,rt Association, ^.ourthern States Art Tongue, Gulf Coast Art -\ssociation, pr.d Delgado Art 1'useum, the latter having riven hir a one ran shov vhich vac the highest honor given to their rerbers. He sold rsny of his oaintinrs and during I936 conducted a class at his surrrer ho^e at Takeshore, Hancock Coun
He vas rarripd to riss ! ay I’usloch of r<?v Origan'.

BSL 1900 To 1929 BSL 1900 To 1929 (018)
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