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The City of Bay St. Louis apparently is in need of a new form of government or better leadership in its present form.
As the town has grown the jobs of mayorship and commissioners is not as easy as it used to be. Simply being honest and civic minded is not enough to measure up.
For instance:	An important element in determining the growth
of our area as well as getting the most return for the tax dollar is having	a mayor ;	oKS&tiirTroai^er^- who	is
realistic enough	to employ	the right people and
motivate and direct them in their jobs. Putting someone on the pay roll	just to help him	out is a kindness and	a	charity that
our town	cannot affod.	As our town grows our	mayor-row»*»or
should be more a	delegator	of authority and a manager	of
others' work rather than a	doer of routine tasks.	He should
have the	knack of looking	into coming trends that	might affect
the town	and make plans to back expansion, i.e.
Surfacing of streets
Safety Signs
Better health promotion plans
More attractive and cleaner streets A
The mayor - manfl^ffp ar wgj~I as -^omnlssioners - aldermen should keep their books up-dated and know how to use the information and get the kind of facts needed to steer a progressive course. for example.:___________________
^^y^ouldTohe’ central stenographic pool ^
./f	( better and more economically serve	\ '•'>
V \ the "group than each man with a staff?
Is the low bidder really going to give the best service and/or materials?
Are we on a tread-mill of patch-work and settling for costly errors in time?

BSL 1977 To 1980 Petition-Against-Sitting-Government-(3)
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