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—«Pb©to by The TlmM-Plutyuc*.
..TWO OF THE MANY VISITORS to the Bay 6U Louis, Miss.,
' centennial ar^ welcomed, by Mayor and■ Mrs. John Bcajtide. /jYonlfleft' are Mayor. Scallde, Mlfs Elaine Upsey, Missis-' iglppt’S Mist HoipltalltyV,o.t l358, Lt.'Gov. CarroIl. Oartin andCMn. 5catWe.<	''*"
--------------------■' - ■ -* ............................' - ' »-
EXHIBITS SEEN \*The colorful pageant carried ■ During the .afternoon Monday the history of this community visitors'.hefe*'were escorted-on from the time-of" Sieur Pierre tours-of exhibits including-rare LeMoyne delberville,‘who .came, coins and currency,-Antiques, upon the' inland bay in 1689 art objects and others hark-
FESTIVAL OPENS ................................................ ................................
'•	*■	which.^today is the jjay of St.vening back tq the century-old
;v, -,	*■	V	''•Xcjuis/thrwigly'its^ore recent history ql^e*city.	'
■Lo^t S-.ity,8 Lvent Marks •_..jjjstoiy'l«!luding the	Scafide Tof J3ay.
% * -^lOQtE AhHlVet$ary_i	1947'hurrt.eane<«<i.	;	.	,	.Louis,^sporting.a -ful^rowth
- ^: u>'' ' '•	{The	t	historical./presentation of b?£rd :denoyng^ bis 'trade-
By vv; rr MINOR-
(Ttmaa.JPletyua* SUM Corr*«pond«nt.) -
f BAY'.'ST'. LOUIS, Miss. — ” Thi* csrefree old Gulf coast town Monday recalled Beenes of its colorful past as it launched a week-long celebration marking the 100th anniversary of its incorporation.	^
'described how'-'the " city 'was once the site of the village of the , Chicapoul^ indiailsand later became . known as Shields-boro and finally given the^name of Bay St,-.Louis in 1875.
. i
-The town has continued to operate on the same chartcr of incorporation which was tthe past of- Bay St.;..Louis,,, ; formulated In 1858 during the which predates its incorporated	« w“ k"°'vn f*^5‘
history py nearly two centuries, - boro- WraPPed ln with tho Ws* was portrayed , in colorful . pageantry here Monday in the open- • ing presentation of. ‘‘The • Bay'
St.“Louis Story’’ in which, more . t^ian ,250 local .citizens took P£rt.
I^arlier a sun-drenched parade ,	th^	co^munTty‘da"^
rfrfn	irt	^	ufAfl	I	aw	rr	lonr	3a	*
ing back to 1852- and brought forward today in the name of Sti Stanislaus college.
marfc-'of ‘‘The’Brothers of the Brushy, cajtennial - ._celebration, welcorajsd^fasitors -and. dignitaries., at’:jme opening tof the events/ :i?:	.	"v'*'	.	-4
tory of the section is the role of the Catholic church in the new world dating iroin the., earliest French explorers.
In dramatic fashion the pageant depicted the development of schools operated by Catholic
inhered in a week-long celebration of Bay St. Louis’ 100th anniversary.
An entourage headed by Lt.
The pageant will be presented

BSL Centennial 1958 一Document (034)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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