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GI.O. O. I-IKLO, VOL. i.
iNDU&TKY AN D .•JfrE^«. AVfc IIOHE TO }*' >!Sei-,u.
0* VlNliHVILLbi.,
The 4*<tinisi illc Advocate, ,all, and forgive oflences'to whom, i days behind tha white. It tasseiedjcrop, and
....• k others-— hut] on the 13 til •'April, silked* on the j that in our
/;,/ GEO. 0. FIELD.
'( i;il!
A(1 voo.itr” is printed
which you pmr.sii m ' treat all mdiscnmin
^o their merits. Ea,Vh will thus]on the 15th May—70 day •Ik*, encouraged t:> striy6 for youHsprouting. It wdf> the most pro*
liJic of the three kinds—averaging
inately according) 23d—and’ matured wasting ears'be made in the year, tlnd thfe iat-1 j usticcs 'di&jttiej, p4&’k^<$<we//*“
Ea,Vh will illusion the 15th May—70 days after,ter i'rmn the seed of the first.—SlCity.	' "	-»
f\i\\ l i!' *<!('<! l^rt'uing, at Two Dollars j-i• t annum. wlii'ti paid m advance—Two Dollar* l'ijli/ ('c/iLs, payable within i me mnii'iisi'l I lie I line ol subscribing, or ’//frs, if payment be delayed lili ili, ruination ol iliu \ ear. Nosubscrip« tina M'ccivial lor a less period than* six liiniiili--. I"r winch £1 5;) will bo charged, ! *;i \ ;i ■ >W' mnirinbli/ in advance.
(j;'T~ Am person,limng inn sih^eri-less. an.I Ini w arding to t|n> ofliee gCO in
one copy
i-an cut imme} , \v ill lie cntiileu to
!■».;< i is.
\o na;irr di-eonlimn'd, e\cept at ol 111u piibh?li(. r, until ail ;u, r*ir.i:>• -s ;;re paid.
ADV KRTIS1NC I r: '7‘Adveriiscments w ill lie inserted ai 1 a tvte ol ^1 per square lor the first in-'ci i awi, hii■.i 1'iliv Cents ior each subse' .jtii'ni irwM-iion—ten lines or less eonsti. t-niiig a rt*. The number ol' iii-n ' tmns init'i be marked on t i • < ■ m.njin ol the manuscript. or (hev wdi be onMished
approbation. /
Do not he hi’trayed, by a course ot goad behavior in vour negroes, tore/ax your discipline. But ifbv a course of good management you have got vour negroes tractable, obedient and trust-worthy, recollect that the w ay to keep them so is to continue precisely the same treatment that has amended them. Any licences you mav allow on
or anv
account of good conduct relaxation
1 he sulks grow a-
about two ears to the stalk, with 12 rows of grain ard about ten inches lontr.
bout 7 iVet high
The .Sugar tasselecl on the 27th April, and was not fit for roasting ears till the 25th Al.iy—SO days after sprouting. Its yield is not more than that of the white—a-bout two ears to tin,* stalk. The
ears abo,ut six inches long with 8 of your discipline willirows of grain- The stalks how-not make your negroes happier—;ever grow higher aiid the yield of
IV. Farmer.
Thu ruling*’, passion strong in PATRICK. HENRY.	j T)eath.~ A correspondent tel Isa
Middleton in his life of Cicero, laughable story of a miser, who tells us that the first great speech being at the point of deaths resol-of that orator, hi.3 defence of Kos-! give aiLliis nloney to a ne-cius of America,-was made;2(t .the; phew a^t whosi?rhan<i he-,hati expe-
age of twenty-seven; the same age, -------‘i-; i—~
he adds, at which die Jearntsil have
remarked, that Demosthenes dis
rien,ced' soifrie little kjndnes9.-‘>oam,” said h^—for'that was tha nfenhew’s imme-^^^am,; Tam a-
tinguidied himself in th'e Asseni-Jbodt to leave the world^apci give bly of the Athenians:	“'As	if	this!	you	all my'money. YouSvilHhen
were the a?;e,-' (I, quote his,own' have SSOVOOO—oniytlnnk! ’YeSj words) “at which those great ge- I feeii'-weaker-and. wfea’ker; I think niuses regularly bloomed'towards I sh'&.ll die in two df thr.ed^hours.
ft i<; rather r'lirioiis Oli vp.s. Sam. Pm ’	Give
they will soon drop back to theirTodder and stalk ol both this and; maluritv.” ft is rather curious Oh yes, Sam,, Pm going! old vices-—you will find your rulesjtlieDutto.n is superior to the white, ithan important, to observe ‘that me two per cent: and you may take lected, insubordination and ’1 he. chintch bug damaged the Mr. Henry furnished another in the money now/”—Cres. City.
• mu etar^eJ aa'.orJir.j to I he
discontent the effects of vour in-
diligence; and your slaves, when vou trv to resume your authority, ten times harder to manage than they were at first.
ha v
jent:rely incapable of exercising
ii n 111 lorbid . nliii'. e ra'i'j.
tX!/"Ad\erii-emeni.s of a pcr-<>nr. 1 na-1"ie, (w iien .ulmissiblc.) w ill be cl.urji il tea cenlH |kt !i:ie, in iidv.iniC'.
Vi-Alt LV AI)\Lt{'risi.\G:
' *7“ M ei clia o i s a n;I oi In. r Imsi ness men i	,	.	i	i
' i ba v e , liei r ail ver, iscine n Is inserted ^rrcct judgment as to whatwotlld ■ ■ ■■ r lie ..r^ouyear—s:jO Mr m\monii, J be to their interest and happiness, ■i £-0 lor ihret: mnnihs, tor a sluice of-lo,	Tangible	punishments	and	re changeable at pii*n«ure.	!	wards wliich acts atonce	on their
go- IVn'hssmn.l r.-oJs "Kertcd a« ,h*-isensi*s are	the only sort	most	of
T“11 '■1	'-!.'> •) \ t r. (s I i) »r x niun f hs. or■!	,	. ‘
them ( an
jrop of each kind so much that no estimate of the quantity which could he produced to the acre could be relied on—if made by measuring the grrund. We be
The ariflexatiQli of Te-xas, will' bring batlj. into ourUnian;ftiany ol
stance in support of this theory; since it wras precisely in the same year of his life, that his talents first I
became known to himself‘and the'those worthy,, patripts wlio-hkve world. Nor let the admirer ofipractically illustratea' the beauties very inferior! lieve they killed ai least one third :anti(juit.y revolt at our couplingjof the sub^^r.oasuty sy?>stfeirt,,-by minds and brains. 1 hey act Inxn jof the stalks—at.d were worse the name ol Henry with those ol exiling themselves pro hoho pixbh-* feeling iitul impulse more, thaiijtha.n wre ever saw them belore. ■ Cu.ero and Demosthenes^ it c.'iti ro. In the vVords of the Botany from rcas >n. Thf*v are ^('neralh' j l'he corn was aUo injured by a 1 - j be no degradation to the orator of .Bay Kpalogue, they might say;
a | lowi tg
the sucl.ers to remain i either Greece or Home, that name U True patriots we, for be it understood,
vb I■.- , 1.1. e in 11111h.
AN NOU.VC1NG CANDIDATES; ttiT’For announcino (',)n.;idalt;s for Stat(' nr Uistnct otlices, j^lO will bechargi'd; lor counts otlices, pa\ ab!(> m advance QO“ " '^1 I dl be leqmreri lor ,'l' IOR WOUK. done at this olliee, as soon as de 11 %• p r<’d.
(ty- All letters addressed to the publisher must be post paid to ensure auen-tmn .
sadly deficient in
to tiller in this ru nncr, and w^e with that ol a man ot whom such were instructed t'> let nil the suck- a judge of eloquence as Jefferson ers remain. \Yr i are convinced, j has said, “that he. was the greatest however, that thy ought to have ;orator that ever lived.”
Very few of them
American be
j In j irstiance nf tin* pliui of our ! publication we shall take care that jour readers have more on this important—but much neglected sub-jeot
•S. IF. Farmer.
h'ach kind-is ver\ much disposed stands enrolled on the same pagelvv't* left our country for our country’s
good/’	.	‘
[Cres. City.
The Hitenflit.—'The facetious \Va?KMorrison, as he wtfs cora-Mechamc. — | monly\alled. a clergyman of the the ‘-pomp.1 Church.V Scotlaprf, was eutreat .rlorv, circumstance,” of the great h>g the co^Watfing officcr-of r men'of this world —whatever may j re-^nf, jji^rt George, to par be the dazzling pageantry of this don a pUHT fellowsentenced to t y life th glitter of fashionable so- hnlbe^. IIbe onjeer granted hi
cie*.y, and splendid misery of those | petition on jconditK^n that Mr
who believe that “those w ho toil”! Morriscrih should accord him th there is no situation more envia-! first favor he asked; thisfayorwra Me than that of the plain Ameri-jto perform the ceremony of-ba[
1	1	*’--m T/ip n vonns: nuppy. A raei
been removed.
produced anything but tassels and conscientiousness.— 7'he ivay foionly served to crowd the main , Whatever may keep hun honest is therefore nut /uisialks. Sometrnes three or four trust him.
would spring from the original i ii*m and gro\" precisely like it and nearly the sime size.
One thing we will mention. The principal part <.f the Dutton and Sugar corn we did not xuork at ell,
i op	1	nn
n, 1
as no grass oi

Gainesville Gainesville-Advocate-1845-1
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Hancock County Historical Society
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