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howled to the SW. Got to the mouth of the Biver at dark, the wind all died away. Wash and I took a yawl and came to Pearlington and left the schooner to come up when the wind blew in the morning. 'Rie wind oame out of the East, and she come up and stopped at Pearlington to put out some freight and started out again and got to the old Oin Road and had to warp through, got nearly up to the mill and the wind died out and we poled up, got there about 2:00 O'olock a.m. It being Sunday, all hands went home. Beoeipts:	Freight	$111.00.
Expenses $96.28. Cleared $13.75*

Hancock County 1 Diary-of-a-Pearl-River-Schooner-Captain-(059)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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