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uutatea sortie 17 miles west of The Main Street program, funded	Gulfport and	58 miles east of New
by a public-private partnership, jn-	Orleans, Bay	St. Louis had a pop-
cludes three areas. The primary	ulationof 8,063 irt the 1990 Genus,
one is the Old Town historic	Ever since	New Woeld explorer
district. The.second is the depot	Pierre LeMcyne Sieur d’ibervilie
district about three blocks away.	first camped on these pristine gulf
Amtrak has selected Bay St.	shores in 1699, the site has been
Louis as a stop for its Sunset	known for its beautiful vista.
Limited, which is expected to begin	Sailboats moving gracefully in the
service In 1992. Local officials	gentle breeze, pelicans and
want to link the depot with	dolphins in the bay, graceful
downtown by a pedestrian walk	homes overlooking the
which would also include soma	water. ..these are the scenes for
type of mass transit such as the	which Bay St. ’..ouis is widely
A scene aSong Main Street in the historic downtown arsa.

Hancock County History General Newspaper Clippings A-Center-of-Culture-and-Beauty-(02)
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