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door sports include hunting, fishing, boating and bathing, and are unexcelled, as both game and fish are very plentiful throughout the year. There is a movement on foot for the construction of a bridge across Hay St. Louis, connecting with Shell Beach, affording traffic facilities for teams, vehicles and motor cars. It is expected that a ferry transfer will also be established between the Bay and Shell Beach. The agricultural possibilities of these lands are also unexcelled. It has been demonstrated that corn, potatoes, all kinds of vegetables, figs, strawberries and other small fruits will grow in abundance on these lands when cultivated along intelli-
gent lines. There is a large grove of pecan trees and orchards of fig trees as well as orange groves, all bearing and further demonstrating the value of pecan and fruit culture on these lands. Here is offered a splendid opportunity for the location of colonists or settlers from the colder countries of the North and West The lands can be secured at a very low price. Any further information along this line will be cheerfully furnished by addressing C. H. Robinson, Jr., at Bay St. Louis. Shell Beach is owned by R. R. Perkins, C. H. Robinson, Jr.. and Geo. R. Rea. These gentlemen are amongst Hancock County’s most substantial citizens.
R. R. PERKINS.	c-	H- ROBINSON, Jr.	geo.	p. REAi
These three gentlemen are the sole owners of the Shell Beach Lands which are located directly across
the Bay from Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.

Hancock County Sketch Book Sketch-Book-of-Hancock-County-1908-(40)
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