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Bay St. Louis Ice, Light & Bottling Works
A. L. STOKOE, Proprietor.
Man’fg. of Crystal Ice Soda Pop, Seltzer, Ginger Ale, Celery, Etc.
Dealers in Steam and Domestic COALS.
Lighting Plant—60 Cycle A. C. 100 Volts Secondary, 2000 Primary. Ice Plant—25 Tons Ice Daily Capacity.
Banking Business Transacted Through Merchants Bank.
Telephone No. 28.	Lock BoxNo. 84
BAY ST. LOUIS ICE, LIGHT & BOTTLING WORKS is the owner of one of the chief of public utilities, which consists of furnishing' street lighting' for the City of Bay St. Louis. In this connection, there are 120 street lights distributed throughout the residential and commercial district. The lighting plant is up-to-date in every respect, and is equipped to furnish power for motors, electric fans, electric flat irons and small plants. The ice plant is also modern, equipped with a York Ice Machine of 25 tons daily capacity. The bottling works machinery is of the very latest, and includes the Crown equipment. Mr. A L. Stokoe is the sole proprietor. It is his intention to build an entire new plant during next year, to be constructed of reinforced concrete and fire proof throughout. The capacity of the bottling department will also be increased. Besides an immense local trade, Mr. Stokoe ships his carbonated drinks throughout the interior of the County, and along the L. & N. Railroad. Mr. Stokoe moved to Bay St. Louis from Jeanerette, La., seven years ago; he is a director of the Merchants Bank, a property holder and takes a prominent part in all movements for the improvement of Bay St. Louis.	\
R. J. WILLIAMS LUMBER COMPANY operate one of the best equipped yellow pine mills in South Mississippi, located several miles outside of Bay St. Louis, their sawmill has a daily capacity of 40,000 feet, and they will shortly erect an up-to-date planing mill, with a capacity of 25,000 feet, to replace their planer recently destroyed by fire. This company have a thorough system of fire protection, consisting of fire putnp and hose distributed throughout the mills and yards. They have just completed one of the most up-to-date brick steam kilns in this section of the country. These kilns are 100 feet in length. Their lumber 3'ards cover one-quarter of a mile in length on Jourdan River, and at the present writing there are one million feet of lumbjr stacked on these yards. The company have their own loading docks. Their output goes largely for export and for the local trade. The R J. Williams Lumber Company also operate a shingle mill of 60,000 daily capacity. They own their own railroad of standard guage which is four miles in length, and which is used by them for logging purposes, logs being dumped into Bayou Lacroix, where they are rafted and then floated down to the mill six miles below. They have their own fleet of vessels which includes several tugboats. This company also own about 18,('00 acres of valuable timber lands in Hancock County. The officers of the company is composed of Hon. W. J. Gex the President; R. J Williams, Vice-President and General Manager and W. C. Fowler, Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. Williams is also Vice-President an.l a half owner of the Rosa Lumber Company; he has extensive property interests at Picayune, Miss , and is a large stockholder in the Merchants Bank at Bay St Louis, and a director of the Bank of Picayune; he has been prominently identified with the logging and timber business for the past twenty-five years, being a heavy owner of timber and cut-over lands in Pearl River County. Mr. Williams resides at Bay St. Louis, and takes an enthusiastic interest in all movements for its advancement 10 and improvement.

Hancock County Sketch Book Sketch-Book-of-Hancock-County-1908-(09)
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