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concerning this prediction until tbe -winds actually had recorded a new velocity record for the city.'
The New Orleans Item, October 13, 1915, says:
About 20 years ago a Weat Indian hurricane, far lighter in force and stress than the recent, storm, struck the Gulf coast. Over 2,000 lives wore lost and many millions in property.
Ten days ago another West Indian hurricane came with tremendously increased intensity. But the less in life in all the vast stretch of marah and bayou and sea line is only 275. The property damage is infinitely less.
There is one specific roa3or. fcr this difference in results: Increased efficiency in the Weather Bureau and an increased and extended service rendered possible by enlarged personnel and extended range of observations.
The News and Courier (Charleston, S. C., Oct. 1, 1915) published th© following comment on the Weather Bureau’s services:
Fcr the third time this season [fall of 1915] the United States Weather Bureau has been put to the test and for the third time it has proved its worth Three great tropical stcrma have swept upon the shores of this country out of the southern waters where these tempests are But for the Weathsr Bureau’s good work it is certain that each of these storms would have blctted cut thousands of lives along the coasts of the Gulf States.
The News and Courier has already made acknowledgment cf its realization of hew fine the bureau’s wcrl: has been. Nov? that for the third time this year the bureau has been put to the test and has met it admirably, a further acknowledgment is due. Seldom, if ever fcsfore, has the bureau been confronted with more important problems than those which it has met and solved this year, and this latest demonstration cf its efficiency should not be allowed to pass without, remark.

Historic Hurricanes (Treutel Book) Historic-Hurricanes-Of-Hancock-County-1812-2012-(074)
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