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HI Bbf-fi
.	\	THE	KOHfcia.\H£	OP	SEITOK-S	M,	3947
Kislp'. Sander#	^	...	^	^
. nnathnr Hureat; Office - Now Ori**nr. Ia.
'Tc.ttToid ^petition till ti»*s ••ntlormd are Central Standard)	"
The following hurricane warning **9	»t 1:15 p.n. by the Ck-lean» For*owe? Center, "Change to hurricane »wn>-
inps wnst of Fteosacol*, Florida to Morgan City, louiMena. Center a' hwrtcfcv located at 11:45 &.». by reconnaisaAnce flight At latitude 27 Longitude P5 or about 195 eIIos south of Apalachicola, Fioricje;. It 1* «nrinE »«et^nnrta*HStwirti nbcnst 15 apfr.. It If attendee by wind* of 80 to 100 Kyh within 5^ oiles of tne center find by pales within 200 nllar of the center.
FLnds are Increasing on the extrwwc Northwest Florid* coast, FtenaacoL* rwpo-te punts of 5? «rh. Precautions should be token against hurricane w'nce by nil lntnreatfc fror, extrvac. Northwest flori6t to ti>e ooutneaat Louiaiatw. eoeat. Indication* are the center of the hurricane will bo approaching the .•outhea.*t Lou la lan*. coast Friday forenoon. HurMean- w»rnl»|jfl art no« displayed froo Cedar Eeye, Florida to Uorpar. City, Loul lan<v.* That and eubuequont •arninge every three hour* mrv given vida, intensive and continuous distribution.
The sp*ad of translation of the htxrrioann increased alowly during the night to about 16 «Bh Rnc by :,:00 a.*., winde of hurricane force wore being fe3t over the Thandeleur Iciandr as far northward as Cnondeleur Light; by 4:10 P„»oV-town, at the *outh of the Mississippi RiTer, fturaa and tfu- eoaetnl eectlon of St. Bernard fttrlah wore be Inf. iaahod by hurricane fore* winds. fturrwor>d, located tit th** end of few Southweet Ffcee, recorded an extra*-. velocity of 72 crri. Junt leas than harricane force, at 5*00 a.s. By 5:30 e.*., ir.irricane force winds wr» bolij£ expnrienced ae faT inland *.<* ftart Sulphur, Louisiana, and wlnde roachod hurricane force on the VlsalaMlpol Coast froc F%arlin^ton tc Ibhcttgoul* at that ti»..
At 6:15 ej* Sella Cbaeee near N**« Orleans reported windf of hurrleant force; by 6»30 a.K. hurricant' foro* vinds «or* heLi^-. fait on the «aat«rti adgo of Matropolitan ?»» Qrl**nTit> and by ?:?f*	Wolsant Airport, j«»t »«st of the City, roportad
wlndp of barrieanr. velocity; the low-lying land bet^>«n So» Orleuni; aw5 ftjarl Rivor t«pan to BXjwrienoe vlndt of hurrioww foree about 7jv(‘ a.n. T>re waa-b-northw&rrtwartf B0v«i»nt of Uip hurriearw> center broufht hurricane forea rinds to the area rroe Riradlft to HanQerilla, Louisiana b$ 8:0-	am!	by	8:‘<0	6..*,,	the	are«*	froc	Edgard	to	Corinton,	louloiav.	indsr
the influence of hurricane foroe windr-. ftw area frot	DonaldaoriTillc to Hamonci bopun to faa2	the full	force*	of the hurricane about lOiOO a.m. and froB Cerrilla to AfflU- about	11:3° o.*, Tbti wlreic reached hurricane	fore«i at	Qnton	Ho^e by
12:30 p.*. At thif tiw*, hurrienne w.r Iwplnninc to maker runidly ir intnosity. and hurTlcen* forot- *indt did eot axt*nc furthnr anstwird than ttnlrille about 2:30 p.a.
The cent«r of the hurrican.' paused over Wow Or lea nr. and over the city of Bator, fcoupe - the airport at £uton Roup* b*« inp lost outside the cala canter recorded % npi. froo the east. The hurricane path i* cl.own on th^ 9&y foraln^ t part of thia report. It ia oaloulated that the dianrtt«r of	the cair. oonter mt.1. about 25 cilre «hen	it paeuad over	/»* Orlsmnc,
but b7 the tl» it b«d reached Ville Plette there »at apparently no longer anj- cal* center or hurricaiif	foroe	winde; it wu
tak'.ng on extra tropical characteristics^
It ia evioent froa the report* Uu»t th« area of hurricane »indf «a: considerably IftrgeT tc the nor!^ of the oenter thac to the south, anrt *b tht* hurrioano anred w?»t»vrJ twyond fina Orl«nnp tJke extent of hunrle«n« force rtnde eoJt.‘» of it irr»d-ually dicinivhed to a fea *ilef near the central on Is #m. Tiie parloc of tine titrr lT£ ahioh any locality oTrpnr ienend hurri-eane windr oepan&ed upon it* loeation with referenoe t<i the pat>i of the center. Those iocaliti^f i« the diroct pntb oT tho oenter wer* «par«d fron 3 to hoar* of hurricane windr whil«- tht. cel* center m/> rnanlne <^er. The orea along tho elppi Cofc»t meet of ffcncagoula tc U»e Lake horfne-eaetans lAk«< fbr.tchartr*ln-CovIngton area not only e7ne-l«*n«?e^ th» stror^-•irl vlsd« of the hwrleene, but aler the greatest duration of hurr5o*r»f foref irindn.
It addition to the fftrenffth and duration c"“ hurrioone force Mnria in the aroi. eentloneC above, the MUre of thw Oulf of Hcxieo were caufht up by tiw hurrlcanu «1iiqp find earried into the Mississippi Sound *h«r* thny plied ur en the ahori.,
■ev«i! into lAke Borgoe, et)d efwpt inland son* distance. Die hiffvent »i> tc - m norted aae at Chanda}eiir Ll^ht about Xi ft., with the tW# aloof the Ui#^l».-lpp! Coast rislai’ tc. about *> ft. ot PRfoagouia. 10 Vo 1? ft. weatwarc U- the learl River and about 9 ft. in ti»e lAke Catherlne-Gnef lienteur area. It 1? evident that the eater be^ar; tc rise *M)e huri :Chne winds fro* the northeam ware being experienced iri thic area, or that tho wlnde r«ached hurricane force nrior te tJ>e htghoot niUir,
T\»e ria* In tin- wnter i«f fairly rapid but It definitely did not eoac In *-* a tiowl ware, ti»e rit*c K»ginninf at 7j30 a.*, ana rsecfalnf highest level at 10:00 a.v. - 2} hourr later at Bay St. l^ult.
It bae b*«c extroaoly difficult to arrive at a reliable eettwet* of th** »^n»t»ry lose oaused by tJiit hurricane. Qeii^ all ovaliable inforantlon, damper in louislane wure probably about $24,000,000, and la Uiaeiaaippi about |59,TOO,000,
Of Um total tin maces in Louisians it has boec eetlmtec offloiAlly that |20,000,000 doccurred In. Orlfl&ne hi^ioh^^
Ked Cross figures of property riam^e art. ha follows:
tfiaaiaaipp! Ioniciono
Othpr huildlngp Jj'B'.. -j>«»c	Lwaafmd
teatha mmxit-iflg fro* the hurrlcann nual-jrod 2* ir. Uiaaiaaln>! et*a IT in Louiaiane, a total of 34.
C 7 415 0

Historic Hurricanes (Treutel Book) Historic-Hurricanes-Of-Hancock-County-1812-2012-(085)
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