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VetcowL to 'pie. fiiAAt .annual Afct Exhibit, kpon&oKed by the Hancock County LibtoJCy Sy&tw.
The exhibit i& limited in that all the. asitUtb being ihown aAe fiuidentA o{ Hancock County. The. exhibit unJLimited homven. in both talent and tcope.
Thank you to much fax. participating in tki& poAtijon o\J Uational Libfuviy Meek and a special thank you fio-n the fiolZouiing aAti^t& jdio have. allowed theiA woJtk to be ihovon.
L„ Kbfum&
Cecile ®Uce CoaoZ St/uubu/tgen. UMLz Solomon Jean Van Peski CcwvLe MJtJU PsUtchett Sana Dodge Kiwbsiough CoaI SaJLdenko fiett Eaxlene ?.tu>6o CkaAlei VZckin&on Ka/ien CaAapetian Ruth LwiA MaJigsiet de Loo ShiAJtey Bufumn CaAol lliltoA John IAom In.ene 'Davit,
UadUne Storm Molten. Keen Vot Copeland Dot Ru&AeJUL Lucille ttorwL&on Heidi Taylon.
Ha/Uon Elliott Hell Ducomb Gladys Haa&
Thene&e Elmen.
It -u a paAti.culaA honon, to be able to ihou) the mnh o$ Hancock County & moit noted aAtiAt& -
Pati Santvtiten WiZl Hindi

Libraries Hancock County First-Annual-Art-Exhibit-1977-(1)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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