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Page 2.
she was serious — dedicated — enthusiastic, actually kind tof like a zelot. Whether all of the peeple in Hancock County and Bay St. Louis knew they needed a library or not was pretty doubtful, but Miss Louise knew it. She wasn’t very upset when the floors of the library groaned and weakened and threatened to give way under the weight of books, but a change had to be made.
The Knights of Columbus gave the ground floor of their building to house the library. That was in 19^5 and the library was about eleven years old and actually being used by residents, transients, summer folks and business people. And then it happened! The miracle — the fairy godmotherI Or it could have been a very lovely lady with an exceptional collection of worthwhile books and finding herself at a loss to justify the expenditure of moving them once again. At any rate in the year 195^ it was decided that this collection would be made available to the Bay St. Louis library if space would be made &X2UCX suitable to house them. That's when the library moved tc Court Street.
So when the Library was twenty years of old she became of age, and became a pledge to The State Library Commission.
Small wonder long-time residents of Bay St. Louis get a little misty eyed when they think of Miss Louise's library.
Right now int when folks drive down Ulman Avenue and pause for traffic before entering Highway 90 they look at the sign*
Future Home of Hancock County - Bay St. Louis Library, and they know that someday on that ground a beautiful building will I rise to serve the needs of ALL of the Peoples of this community. They speculate on how nice it will be to have simple parking space, a staff of trained librarians, laaybe even a record lending library — and films. Maybe conference and meeting rooms — and

Libraries Hancock County Library-History-(2)
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