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waveiana juiorary
^Becomes A Reality
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rdream of many years for -	■	‘
>the citizens of Waveland became ■wa ".reality Friday when Mayor ‘.Garfield Ladner cut a bright ’red,-white and blue ribbon of-•fficially opening the town’s first public library.
cooperative effort of many individuals as well as city, county, state	and federal
organizations made the library possible. Situated on the second floor of City Hall the library, already well-stocked from the City-County Public Library, is housed in a room which would do any such facility proud. Tastefully decorated, the room is bright, airy and inviting.
Operation Upturn funding rehabilitated the upper story of City Hall and created the library facility. Mrs. Harry Broome, field consultant for the State Library Commission, came from Sumrall, Miss, to personally aid in securing library shelving and to help members of the Library Board of Trustees ‘‘move in”.
Mr. William Gaudet of Waveland served as master of ceremonies and introduced Mrs. William P. Hilliker, vlce-
^ ■ chairman of the library board, Mrs. Watson Prindiville, coordinator of the City-County Library, and Mrs. Mildred Means, Waeland librarian.
He also introduced Mrs. E. C. Samuel of New Orleans and Waveland. Mrs. Samuel, well-known in the area for years of cultural and civic contributions spoke succinctly of the meaning of this library to the people of Waveland, who she said, ‘‘are especially community-minded and have looked forward to this for so long”.
Mr. Gaudet also recognized Mmes. M. L. Dodson and Dave Johnson, co-chairmen of the library opening and members of the board of trustees.
A sizeable crowd attended the ceremonies including municipal and county officials, amongst whom were Mayor Warren Carver of Bay St. Louis, Senator Martin Smith, State Representative W'alter Phillips and several county supervisors.
Fr. Welton of St. Clare’s Catholic Church in Waveland presented the invocation for the ceremony.
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MRS. WILLIAM HILLIKER, left, addresses gathering for the official opening of the Wavelaind*'r^ Public Library Friday. City, County and state officials attended the brief ceremdnies^dedicat-.1 ing the town’s first public library.	“	-.Cj

Libraries Hancock County Waveland-Library-Becomes-a-Reality-1971
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