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On Tuesday Inst the colored members. of. J he ..Mobile.Fire .Department vith a large crowd of friends" arrived in thirteen coaches,and picnicked on the erounds adjoining the colored J^ethodist—Episcopal-Church West, on the Handsbojo'(Tegarden),,,road and" spent the day in dancing, eating ice-cream and watermelons and "strolling through the oak groves. They vappeared to enjoy themselves very much and vere veil pleased.
The employe es_of..,the L and N_,Railroad. gave their annual excursion to Pississippi^crty on Thursday bringing nearly eight een.XlJOQ). hundred^'peoplcT in seventeen^coaches. The party made their headquarters at Srcedes1 Gulf^View^JHptel”’~and.,passed a very pleasant day. Many brougfit~”t heir" baskets vith them and lunched under the oaks, making attractive little parties. A fine band accompanied there and the spacious dancing platform vas filled vith happy dancers. All the roads of the place vere filled vith promenaders. and lunch stands vhere lemonade and eatables could be procured at lov rates vere on every hand. The excursion vas given for the benefit of the orphans of Mobile and is a philanthropic manner of doing good and having a good time at once. All of the citi7ens turned out to see the crowd and hear the music play.
There are tvo schools running here nov in Mississippi City,
MW.*®1 on0» public, conducted by Miss.Fannie„,Lancaster,. and another, private, under the supervision of Miss Fannie Davis.
The decision by the Boacd*,of#^5upervisors -that the vote on the loan to the Gulf"#- Ship"'Island- Rallroad' had-been'ictrrled by a decided majority. vas^haTred^vlth much pleasure"ty our citizens, and they have a right to feel pleased and proud, for all political prejudice, personal feeling and general party position vere thrown aside and the said registered vote of the place, vith the exception of about six or seven absentees, vas thrown in favor_,p£Jth.e„«.tax....>
About tvo years ago there vas considerable talk of the establishment of a soldier's home on the coast and a committee of the Grand. Army of the Republic from New Orleans visited this place and seVeral other points along the coast with a view to selecting a site. Nothing has been heard of the matter for some time but it is to be hoped it has not died out but vill be revived and such an establishment located somewhere on the Gulf shore.
A remarkable unanimity of feeling vas shown by the voters of this box on last Tuesday..on the Railroad Tax,^question. The solid vote of the nlffce^ 307 vas throvm.^ntireiylin^favor^of the loan.
Up to noon the vicinity of "the" Courthouse was crowded"vith people from hear by and from remote parts of the beat, all impressed with one idea, to carry the box for the loan.
Source:	THE	BILOXI	HERALD — Wm. G. Walker local correspondent
Copied from Scrapbook of William G. Walker of Mississippi City, Viss., compiled in 1833-9-90-91 Book presently (October 1978) in possession of his descendant Mrs. Zora W. Carver, 9^7 Township Rosd,
Mississippi City, Gulfport, Miss.
Copied by M. James Stevens

Mississippi City Handsboro Document (029)
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