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Regarding locally established historic districts, T would suggest that your committee define which areas arc to be included and sot about recording cadi structure of value. Such information would include dates of major construction, original owner and function, names of the architect and/or builder, changes to the original structure, prominent people and events associated with the property and an evaluation of its architectural style. As you can imagine, this process is quite involved and it might be wise to consider employing a professional or student surveyor to complete the task for you. Vicksburg, Biloxi and Natchez have each done so with very satisfactory results. When the information has been gathered, the city fathers may be convinced of the value of your proposed historic district and may be disposed to pass an ordinence officially and legally defining the district as "historic" and provide special zoning legislation to protect the area from incompatible development. It would require such a statute by the local government, containing criteria which substantially achieves the purpose of preserving buildings of historic or architectural significance, to be certified by the Secretary of the Interior and thus make available to owners of historic properties the tax advantages provided by the Tax Reform Act of 1976.
In the case of a former town square now occupied bv latter structures, it is my opinion that this would not be considered "historic". Once the integrity of such a site has been violated, its educational value is lost and it no longer serves to illustrate past conditions, which, after all, is the primary thrust of the historic preservation movement. Your "historic drive", on the other hand, does seem to enjoy considerable integrity and appears to be a prime candidate for historic district status.
I hope you do not find this letter too vague or cumbersome but without more specific information, it is difficult to know exactly what your needs are.
If more information is required, please do not hesitate to phone or write.
Sincerely yours,
C. --------------------
William C. Allen Chief,
Restoration and Development Section Division of Historic Sites and Archaeology

National Register Document (094)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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