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April—June 2013
The Historic New Orleans Collection is honored to recognize and thank the following individuals and organizations for their financial and material donations.
Jane and William C. Adams	Micheline Cazayoux and Dean	Tim L. Fields
Frederick Adinolfi	Shrable	Dr. Terrance and Merle Fippinger
Anonymous	Katherine Cecil and Emile Dumesnil	Julie E. Fishelson
Colonel Phil Arbo	Alva and Edgar L. Chase III	Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Armstrong	Stephen Chesnut	Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jude Flanagan
Alexander T. Asprodites J r.	J. Scott Chotin	John A. Fleckner
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Axelrod	Mrs. Tove Christensen	Judy and John Foren
Ronn Babin and Peter Jolet	Mrs. William K. Christovich	Lynn H. Frank
Clinton Bagley	Sarah Churney	Christopher J. Fransen
Baptist Community Ministries	Eugene D. Cizek	Gregg J. Frelinger
Ashley E. Barckett	Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Clausing	Mr. and Mrs. Richard Friedman
Bjorn Barnheim	Ellen Barnett Cleary	Barbara B. Gaiennie
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bart	Dorothy Clemmer and John	Carl Gaines Jr.
Sidney J. Barthelemy	Franklin Clemmer	Mrs. George Gallagher
Vickie Taylor Bassetti	JoAnn Clevenger	Betsie Gambel
Lawrence E. Batiste	Charlene Coco and Ragan Kimbrell	Garrity Print Solutions, A Harvey
Dr. Craig A. Bauer	Dr. Francis Cole	Company
Joan W. Becnel	Linda and Martin Colvill	Dale Gibson
Earl E. Beelman	Melissa Perrett Cook	Mr. and Mrs. Clave E. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Emanual V Benjamin III	Tony S. Cook	Lynda Gladney
Myrna B. Bergeron	Brandi Couvillion	Cybele Gontar and Daniel Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon B. Betz	William Crawford	Mr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beyer	Kim and Robert Crosby	Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gordon
Randy Bibb	Marie Francoise Crouch	Katherine Green
Winnie L. Biggio	Chris Daigle	Nicole Greene
Anne and Christopher G. Bird	Beth D’Aquin	Janice Donaldson Grijns
Dr. Gunter Bischof	Joe Darby	Russell B. Guerin
Eric R. Bissel	Jan E. Davis	James L. Guilbeau
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bissell	Linda and Robert Deane	Carol V. Hall
C. J. Blanda	Betty K. DeCell	Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Hall Jr.
Robert W. Blythe	The Derbes Family Foundation Inc.	Mrs. Roger P. Hanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Boh	Deutsches Haus	Loretta Katherine Harmon
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bonner Jr.	Joseph M. Dicharry	Ronald Harrell and M. Christian
Linda Bordelon	Lynn F. Dicharry	Mounger
Daniel A. Bouysou	Ana-Maria C. Dobrescu	Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hassinger
Lisa Bradley	Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dolan	Capt. Clarke C. Hawley
Mary Jane Brandon	Eva Doty	Mrs. Malcolm Heard
Mrs. Philip Breitmeyer 11	William Lake Douglas	Charles Hebert
Lucille H. and Eugene A. Brian	Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Doussan	Delia Hernandez
The Honorable and Mrs. Peter	Robert Dreier	Marshall Hevron
Scott Bridges	Elizabeth A. Drescher	Earl J. Higgins
Daniel A. Book	Nancy and James Dunnick	Priscilla A. Hildum and Warren L.
Nancy and David Broussard	Pamela and Homer J. Dupuy III	McCabe
Dr. Andrea S. Brown	Maurice W. duQuesnay	Inez Adele Hinckley
Brigid Brown and Steven Guidry	Jennifer Dyer	Dr. and Mrs. Gregor Hoffman
Elizabeth and Kemper Williams	Margaret M. Dziedzic	Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope F. Hopkins
Brown	Dr. and Mrs. Valentine F.arhart	Susan K. Hoskins
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Bruce Jr.	J. Peter Eaves	Newton E. HyslopJr.
Ann L. Burka	Mr. and Mrs. Sidney T. Ellington	Eric Iglesias
Anne Butler	Robert Klein Engler	Joe M. Inabenett
Winifred E. Byrd	Louise N. Ewin	Rita Lynn Jackson
Cahn Family Foundation Inc.	Suellen A. Eyre	Mr. and Mrs. R. Andrew Jardine
Bertie Campbell	Col. and Mrs. Walter G. Fahr	William Jerome
Nell Carmichael	Larry Falgoust	Dorothy C. Johnson
Marilyn D. Carriere	Jean M. Farnsworth	Madeline Jorgensen
Charles Case and Phillip St. Cloud	T. Semmes Favrot	Dr. Florence M. Jumonville
Janice and John Catledge	Thomas E. Fernon	Lura G. Kauffman
Anita Kazmierczak-HofFman Lynne and Thomas Keay Phillip T. Kehoe Keil’s Antiques John R. Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Killeen Forrest C. King
Jane L. and R. Richardson King
Danielle Klein
David Walter Knopf
Doug Kolom
Sandra S. Kramer
Krewe of Dorians
Carolyn Kuehling and Darlene Walk
Dr. Mary LaCoste
Barry L LaCour
Jon G. Laichc
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Landis Dr. Margot C. Laflointe and Roger Zaud Susan R- Laudeman Mr. and Mis. John H. Lawrence Sterling W. Le Jcune Mr. and Mis. Clyde H. LeBlanc Lorraine LeBfanc Ben Ledbetter
Justice Harry T. Lemmon and Judge Mary Ann Vbl Lemmon James F. I rarfle and John M.
Stephens Angus M. Lind Cesar Lotnbana Henri M. Louapte Dr. Sandn Loudo and Dr. Alvin Buraein
Louisiana Ptuflunnonic Orchestra
Norah and Clurin Lovell
Dr. J. Bruce Lome
Irene B. Lutkewitte
Dr. Chaiies and Sunn Lyon
Dr. Mofgm LymmdManha Harris
Judy Madauchlan
Ann Maier
Diana and Lawrence Mann Kimball P. Marshall. PhD
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Mathews Molly and Montgomery Matthews Susan and Charles J. Mayne Norma Me Loughlin ■
Mrs. E. Howard McCaleb Sandie McCarthy-Brown Catherine McCracken Mary M. McCracken Missy McCroskey Gaye McCutchen Drs. Georgia McDonald and Andrew Mayer
14 Volume XXX, Number 4 — Fall 2013

New Orleans Quarterly 2013 Fall (14)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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