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It has not been edited and may therefore contain several errors.

i »
A ciiminuiiicallon lias liern addressed lo the Navy Departin'.!!) by Cuptain l’ercival, of llie United Slates fri^i.le Constitution under dale of Singapore, February 7th, 1845, in which lie slate* dial a short time previous lie Imd visited the Island of Sumatra. In nn interview willi the r:ij«h*« and head men or the Island, li.ld on board the Constitution, lie informed tlicm that lie “was dircclcd b\ the President of llie United Sl:«tv> to assure them, tlmt if they let the quid traders alone without roll bing or murdering them, then never would lie a shot liml ut them in hostility under (lie American flag, liut lie assured them most solemnly that, if another A inerican, or ti man belonging to an American ship, should l>c killed or maltreated, or a ship cut nfl and plundered, a small vessel would be sent lo cruise around the Island of Sumatra, with general orders to burn their prows, dcs Iroy th:ir forts, and wage nn ex terminating warfare; that if thej had found the American givcni mcnl fur a long lime forbearing, they had ilso found it capable ol avenging llie wrongs nf its pro pie, and severely chastising (In plunderers (if their property. They therefore might make the selection—to live in peace or abith the result.” 'I’o this they readil) replied, ‘that peace was their ob ject, and the commerce nf the U. States of America."
There are annually employed in commerce on the coasl of Sumatra, from the United Males, a bout 5,250 tons of shipping, tin value nf which, at a moderate cat tulatioii, would lie 8225,COO, and the amount of sprrio yearli taken from the United Slates is 8525,ODD.— CVirx. City.
about 7W)li, all destined lor Urr i;nn nnd California. Tliey will start about llie same lime, divided into convenient companies fur Ira-eeling with ease nntl safely. 'I lie Indians will not attack a parly ol five hundred. 0{ course llm en' igraols this season stand in no fen nf the red skins. It is a.lnni'h-ing what a tide it actting Inwards the fertile lands on the Pacific.
Jiff. Jlr/iiihhraa.
thu A»v«(',vn:.
tiAi.\r.svn.i.i; miss., jum-: u.
Orrgon. — The New Yoik Sun , of llie I Till nil. contains n letlei from a correspondent in Cincinna ti, which nnnonnces that Sir Geo Simpson, Governor of the Mud ton Bav Company, "has passed down ific river in disguise,’’ uiili a company of F.iijjlislimen, on hi-way lo Oregon. It H s.iiil that thu pally, on their reaching the head of navigation of llie Uppei Missouri or Vcllow Slone, inten ded to despatch fjt| resscs lo tin mountains for the Company's trn ders to concentrate n lirge Indian army at thu Weslern outlet of lilt South Pass, in order lo cut olT rr ■ lop American emigration. Till is a rumor which dues not inspirt to general belief, llie emigrants n mounting lc five nr ten thousand and the utmost liiirninuy belweei them nnd the Indians. One ol Himpson’s parlv Imil acknowl ' edged llial two large frigates h.ul sailed from England in llie midilli of last month, for the Columbia river.
Our Government, as we liave already noticed in h former ahret, has been preparing for these movements nnd intrigues. Col. Kearney with his dragoons Is now on a tour through the prairies, u< fir as Fort Laramie, a traders' station in the So.ith Tass, with n view lo exhort the Indian tribes lo paeiBc conduct lo our end pint and fur traders.—Jeff. Rep.
' £/• Our Agents.—The following gi'iillt'ini'ii nre our niilh'iri«rd Vgenta, In receive »uliscripti>ni' to the “ (fiiincsville Advoculr,’ mil receipt fur llie snnie:
\l C 'IhhiImm, J.m. .M. IJ-mj M M'tniiriliti, *•	I*. .Y 'IVhvik.
M I1n1iiir«v»llt*a M	l«. II IhllfMSl *.
“	41	Mr.	J.	H
14 IIoImiI.kIiiHo, •'	|,.	Kvxnti.i., |>n
(^ ' l\Y :m< tui'lifitMiil l>i AtmoMhrf* I) I*.	K	•), ol iMuinic* II". m -■
-im<litl(((r f.»t iMncl	f.*r	Mm:	vJii-
I'ulici il |)i«tricl( cninpfrW n| tlio r<*tiniir» •f('i<rinli, l'ik«\ I.itwrrnr*, Mxri«>n. linn •«ck, Sini|^ »n, (*m in"lun, ||,ini*»i(Smitii itnnkin nnd Scull.
0^/" Mltl »l»lll*Ml-l'.| III NMHIMIIH'? *
M. IM(.‘0.\\ INi|., nl' ONhmIhii. h .j mil*
lulilt'lor llisliMl AMnriM’)' I**r l|u« Vim! Iinliriul |>i^«f i«;|, r:o>M|w-tc .l of llie'it » if Copiah, I'iLr, Linfi.'iu r, Alili'li, Il:in •Mrfi,Sitir|»«nn, rinj»Miu»i,ll^rfi*iM«,<HHili. flunkin **n«f
{j^/- \Vi* m«* ■>i|||iiri<t'.'i| InfiMiiuiiiici’ f4
Al»\ I'TIIKIVS, K-ij , of llolmtnvilli'.
n rniiilnliiio fur	t Altmurr lor
lif ?n>l Jiidtrinl tJi.«irir.ltritmp*i«ril •>Hnli('< <»l (J 'pinli, I’ikc, l.itwrrrtri*, Mh IlMtir'K'h, Miinp«<'»i, ('ouni/t'Mi, ll-«r-i» m», SJmitlt, llnnkin ami Hrnll.
;iiiii | !i >* '•
is in.iv Iff;qili,-‘-ii
v\nit .»linl requir'd lof ' ci’.lc* IjKitinn dl lltc 'Itfi nl July. (84.7.
Ilesolvcd, That T. Halt-. Ksq lie rtt|ncslcd lo "id and a sisl ii 'lie picparalMMis fur the iliuucr, die building of shed*, etc. '.'te.
llryoUeil, That J-P. Mi runrxl uid II. It. Crnsk, \>r app-.intr-d lo stiperiniciid the. eicction nf tli<
l.ihcrly Pule.
Kesnltrd, Thai tl. S. I.e..i.ard, l '.s(|., be »p|K)inli'd AInr^liI "f llie l)av, and T. I). Ilnrp r, l!^rj., b< refpitsled In rend l!u l)o< li:ralnn if independeuer,
.V great nddili'in 'iiil soon Ih'I	M.titlt
made lo llie uumhi'i and weaving!	►1
,, ,	..	... ^Itllm.s* mJ ,>li..i»in,	4	0-1
aparalus milled. At piekent theyjS|	t
'|iin In (he hundred spindles, tinel	DXCUY
hundred and Ihiity-lun Ills ofcnl-ISnli
ton per day.—The fall ufllm rivei|",l"'"l',,f'.
—which as well as wecnnrecrl ‘'"■•"•■s*
s t I <M » I I'l • I ,’xl
^nriintaftnl lliwi*.
trr.l, i« lirrr nlitidl 150 vtriU wiilc.
i « 7 U * |
k » lu
« • ft
Cla 7
is 02 feet in lllll ynnU.	jlVr0slK.n,
.Mr. H. I)ulin«',t the irvner ofl llie laud, was •mite years ago of J fered K4t).0(NI fur the slmal iraclJ bill Ids lilies were then inclioalcl|»,T,jn,|t and lie did tint srll. Ilis ninrr|i grrnlly increased in value, in con
«ei|uencc of the. discovery of ml NfcW OltLI'lANS MONKY iininnisc lied of Iron Ore in ini |	MAIIKKT.
ti • uo
« a W» r .
Kesolvid, Hint NV. II. Sliippi	_	_
Ks,|„ be rerpiested I-. d,b>;:r nn nu'dinte ivith the Kails.
‘	.............", illiaiun. I Ins will ilscll ue a grral sourr.i l--------------------i..........--------
nf wealth, w lien the river thall|,*'tl',"R,',n Knjla**! uu <•<"»* n • 011** hern made n.nigablc foil	•*	!!!"'.•?• 8,"'V
nleanilHnls—as it dnulitless will lie, evcul'ially. 1 Once nt twice. ioiiii; years ago, steamlmats ditl iscenil lo n il hill IJ mil s of llir present factory aiilr; and ive are informed tlmt permanent and »»f< |i;,s. I'r.-ns.iry iinvlgnlinn could be uhlained al al
(Jnitifjii. iitnl i. \Y. ^
l>f|.f tl *i‘tni|icr;HM:r ;ul»lrvs'».
Jte'olvcri* 'J‘hnt (lie i il:;< ns or Hnni’otk	;irc im t«<
p.»rIi.’ipnto — tlie iSimici !»c ^rsitnilivis.
Itn it further Ui'solviv.l, Thai ?hc |iroci'c«lin;;* of ilii*»	Ik
(Hiltlislictl hi l!is (ijinrst ill? Ad* vocalr,
.1. W ILLIAMS, dm |':imi|iaralively small nnllay.
I). IlAiirr.n,	i	li/nl Mihmian.
S	'	i
JJv the nrrivwl iIih in iinin^J The following onlrrs Acre rc j
cpiiily pivrn hy the rajiliiiii of aIJ"•
ni Mint *1cnml)o;tl wlirn about tol
I llie simmer Irene, tvs rrrcivt itHrllis^rn»*c of llir inchmrhriHv lie mNe of (Jen. .Amliru* J.u:kson.
We copy I lie fillmviit!; frfim 1 lie Cirsrcnl (*ity of yeslcnl;i\*
DKATII m C-KN. JACKSON 'I'hc str:»nilM»:it VoiktoMii nr-iivctl at our hulling ycstrr<l;n u till her nt liiilf*itmsl. I hi"
'imiMul si^ht	proof	tli:ii
sriiiielhing iViusunl hail neenrred J	\ ,|llai:iaiH ntlem;>l to liurii
on making cn<|uiries the Canlnin|)||C' s|CBI„|„mi Ki. frui.v. a Irnde.
engage. "< a race with anutlirilcin,,.,,., Imal:—"llusiii up there, and tellli:m<uh.inr<l, the. engineer In shut duwn thr|hnprov»inrni, alely->alve ! (iive li. r gnss i«i*iilli’turn %vlio hnvn t »lr|ipfd| \(ch,.r*1•.
I HI .Y V«fk»	I	•'Jdnj
un II Hitii^lii. I f i
**% ll> •n*n.ii0(li4)>>f I t
♦hi I^YhIhiI. »(«i^lit« — • I 1 i hi **	00	>,	13a;	tli*-
u«i lUllimurt nt tifhi |*r« | i|i«c 0<l«l«)»,l Vilitc * ♦ — • I jti t\• i* tn (liu ::on ^iu 60 $\& :»,i» ^i6 co f.i au ■ r* 3 0a pram l’*r
*	|i«r
xrw oncAti cirv mm
>|i.inisli |h«nl>t><Htit jlMri-l	H*»
id 1‘itne
\mf ornti r*»ilil#
Mi'ii' nti OvlLrli
up In the ollirn iiimI fettled, pira^rl irlirc l»i 1 lit* Lillies' rrthin till pass (lint Imi.u. Kirr up!*'
U a 10 di«c
I'i • If. H.*C
7:1 s 7 i ill*. ii a b0 Hue II ■» 16 iJite 70 s *.'! riifc
eporled the ileath of (iliNI'.lt
\L JACKSON, al si\ o'clock
nn the. evening of llie Mill in*.r, iii
(lie llcrrtiilngc. Gen. Ilnusloi
irrived Ihere on the uvirnin;' of
. .	.	jlhal	day,	nnd	had	the s.iiNfiirlioi
C ii il (I i rlii ten nnnortiirrmeii/P. r i :	,i	1.1	I	i
of closing llie old lierue s eves.
■ Hii>)w-rriil IH. NnlrhM, rlifvli* 11, Mrr*
li;ini^'Hh. N (lrlr.n#, . I a.1 dire III iMlirrl'lll IIink« )tu
mi rr* of rim NCMriMiinr*.
N,«. I hi.,	*	.	I	.	*J	I1'
No. T*m, .	.	p«r
iVi. 'I'lifPr,	.	fa 27 dl*c
rsri-sstxr Mosrv.
hi I lie Upper .Mississippi, was||irHtr«l a «ir. Bank Nnh-f, . t5 • no di«e
It Is n illi greal reluctance wo arc leeessitatcd lo refer candidate in our lerms, which nre In lie found on first column or first page if llie Advocate.
Since llie hot season has set in. mil in fact, Ii somewhat advanced, ■vIiy would it list tie nn e:;cei!em plan for our townsmen tn lake immediate steps for cleaning out, and pulling in order, our |iuhli< well? We merely make llie suggestion.
For Oregon.—News from Inde . pendente, AIo., Informs that the tmlgrauti Dear ihil point number
J’lihhe Sjmire.—W’e have beautiful stile In nur «llltge,called tho "Public Sipiare," wliidi, hi the way, needs enclosing, nnd one >r two rows of trees act therein— ss may best mil Iho taste nf the citizens. It would really be nn improvement in the luoku of llu place.
July ffli, 1815.
At a meeting held by llie Com niillee nf Arrangements nppoinled by the citizens of Gainesville, fur the purpose of making the neccs sary arrangement! for cclebrnting tlio 4th of Julv:—J, William Ksq, was nppointed rhnirmnn. anil T. D. Ilnrper, secretary.
The following resolutioni were unanimously ndoptedi—
Iteiolved, ’iliat the Secretary colled, is toon ai practicable, the amount contributed hy our citi-
1 he l#evcc presented an imusu ally mclanchnlly nppearnnce yes terday, after the news arrived here ■ir the death oT Ciencnl Andreu Jackson. The color* of the Imiij; line of shipping and sleani crall pi both sides of the. ri\er wrre half| mast In menicry of III ti deceiseii veteran, uhlle niinnte guns u ere lired nl intervals nf lific-cn miniile'
luring Hie day. A Hireling "a-	|„	|,r	b.,t	lillle	<l-,,l,l
held at the St. Mum l,\clniigc nd lo tlie call of the .Mnynr mu-lained llierein for nnntlicr llii morning nt the Council Chamber, we Irust prompt and due altenlioi will be paid.
made nit llm Mill ins*ant, IiV ^ mail nnnied .May. The fiitnp »ere dii.coveri'd In ono nf tli >late rnuiiis. mid deslrcyed n great |iiirliiin nf Ilii'Cnhin before they ivere r.\liugiiislie<i. \\ lien llu-danger wan nvrr Mny wns mis »iug, having left Ids h-ig^age lie liiud. L'puu cnniing on hoard, in dep.•hilcd uilli llu; rlcrk n (msll Irniik. Inlirl'cd with tin mini" '‘llvn hundred dollars in -perir,
\|r\. fjlitr flk.A' Ilr»n»'li#«. ft I 'JO l f«li*e
llu)’ Saint Ijouis
TUI". puMie iit rr<|>rtifiillv infcrm^.l llu! ilis rtli.f ritMr Im» Inreom. iho (.(-•-<er nf ihr alwiv. rpiilili«hmrnit and till npfnil f »r I he reception of eom;tinf m Filmilii-, llie • lih nf Mi*.
Il i* (innere.'iry lo i!lg<le in Ilis ..-tin.
................	.I'iriljr	nfiliclilti-nion—llitltntiiirnl.liBilr.
^ll"plc.llll lelllg exeilC(l|_|n^ I(l# rc,irrinrn) .l.aj. rnj^trdal.
Zti!/tt<re Falls tuiH Faftoni.— Il is not as generally known ns il ought lo hr, llint perhaps llie flnesi Knlls fnr mninifnclurlug piirpnses. ill llie boiilliern Stales, nre on llie I’nllnponsn river, at TnlKsee. nrnr (lie line helwccn Monlgnmr ry mill Tallapoosa cniiulics. The inionnt or wnter is nlninst illi mil • ulile, and prn.ximily of llie Fall lo llie heavy collon-prodiicinu section.makes (lie situation one ol inusual value nnd advantage I ho country nil North is some wlial poor, hut den«ely cnvcred willi a population which can supply onv number . of operatives; while tsoutli, the Character of the soil is entirely different, yielding llie greal alajile as abundantly is any country m llie world.
A wealthy firm, (Hirncll & Marks,) hare now In partial operation il Ihli place, i fidory in wblcli ire running 5C0 spindle*.
llu-1itink was opened, and lat^c sliiiie-. iiTi^lting iiliout Hff piiunds, Here Tniiid in it. There llial
lie lired Ilia Imal willi the lulcn tinn of plundering mimic of llir passengers, ns there were several raftsnM'iil nil hoard H hit had niisidcrnlile nninniil of innnrv viilli them.
Tdlnm ('Might.—The namrd Johnson L. Mar, suaper led of having set lire {<] (lie slea-mer SI. Croix, recently, w as ar resled oil llie steamer l.ytix,where lie made a ► attempt.—II was caught in Iho ncl of aetlln* Ore tn various nmiliii-tililo male iini*, which lie had placed in llir staleriiom for llie purpose before named.—St. Limit litvciHe.
tU‘n|'hi* rel<>l»rn»«l	f«»r il*#*^ urn
i> « wfil Itnn^n. '!*!>•	t »•!} f ita
li»l in ■iMifiunt nf flu* pljrr, h« »i|l have	cRfrSncrt, M'lillo-hortc*,
itltR«ure )tctiif. nnd wh'iter^r miv r<*p, iribalu «-»c<jii»i|lu*einiMiciMrnl anj maka lie f»lfitfrecithle lo ti«imr«.
I Imi 'I'alile Mill by k^pi tn a liltrral Mjlf, tnJ tho Hmrs anj fdrport nra :h<»ii* Ritil mprnor qualiit.
A limited mmilier of fjmiliv* trill ba • ec/H'^il «| if^»nnnhlo rate*.	|
TIhi follow in j piien mil| he chirjjrrt (• IUfitil:,mM n^° «n{«gcmanu fvr llie tea*
noird nff	♦	•
Pailv bu-iiili*f%i •	•	.	(
Cli«l«l ni nnd >pfvant»i ImH pncf. (f^rPurlifi wifliiny In makr irr*nf«* ieii*f l*>r lioard.can Ui>art ij	«l
'h^Arctdr Ktitauni.
j-io^-m n VANrot/nr.
Kfntn the N. U. Tropir, Juna 14.
Tim M.illKF.TS-
fanilltiM tut MUtltiippi, Inferior,	.	.	none.
Ordinary,	•
Middling -	•
Middling Fair,,	•	.	Y| i 7|
Oood;F»lr, .	hl|
(Jard inj FW. •	a vulaal.
ncr.v. f ii*./l'.v.
WASI eHPfniilrd |.» ihw Jail nf IlmteiKk County l*y 11. S. 1/ mirtli Ci<|., J* a-life *«f llie	l»«	Nt*
f*ror« nf riinawMi*. »o »i*— Art III, acol thmil lirrnft-fi't or thirty neliM hijh.—Ihiriy-fir^ or forty year* ofa^r, fire frM ft*cincha< high. The nho*e dr.frilK*il	«y
ihfy brlofij* to Mr. Alf**ndcf.	w
.Pariah8t.TammJfiy* Kiaitof l^ni«i«»»a. 9k a ft7‘8|Theown«rofiai4*tgroei »• rr*)aa<wicd l#
0	I	flt	Icoma forward, prora pr«»p#riy, pay thai*
01	a	71	K®* ln^ taka lhe« i*ay; atherwifa thay
will ba dealt w|ih at tha la* dirtcli.
ciro. SHr.nirr, !lliifli|ikwyMitk, Ml* J«M 11* 1WS*
- ^4

Newspapers Document (005)
© 2008 - 2024
Hancock County Historical Society
All rights reserved