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One of them said she was kept back 2 grades and is now in the 4th grade though
11 years k old.	...
Lira. Meiahell 3aid, "you can talk about the dasy days of slavery being over,
Stt|jjGthis ia worse." (A Polish woean in another part of the City, used this very
ate expression.) (See Mrs. Kauslski following.)
■1 Ur. Meishell’s brother was present. He worked at Biloxi, Kiss# nart of one
yeajr, as well as at Bay St. Louir.. He said, conditions at Eiloxi were much the Ee was told by the company agents, before he went, he could earn §18 a
I® A
:eek. Found this was much exaggerated because irregular work, fines and cheats ouced ± his income so Eiuch. (Women were beaten by the overseers. ) Ha summed it *?£ll up by saying, "a man would have about as much chance of getting ahead there ‘ as a snowball down below.
I asked hiss, "Are you gcing againt* "Wouldn’t I like to see the man that vould dare to ask roe? was his reply.
l&rs. KawalsSd, 615 S. Bond St. Baltimore is a widow end has worked with her small children in the berry fields about Baltimore for several years.
Last winter she took the children down tc Youngs Island, S.C. and w>rked for Varn and Beard Pkg. Co. ilany things has been misrepresented to her after they got there, she fcund that all the children, whose fare had been paid by the company, had to work all the time. The younger children worked soi::e and went to school some, but they worked regularly as soon as they were able to stand up to the benches. "iFe lived isx in rough shanties. It’s no place for children. They le&rn too much." They had to furnish their own food and their fares were taken out of their earnings little by little. They didn’t get ahead any financially although it was a good year, at this place. "Call this slavery I” she said.
Marie said she is now 12 and her brother 9 years old (photo 825-}Eoth of then have worked in the berry £3 fields near Baltimore 2 years ago end at oyster shucking last winter mid now are stringing beans at the canneries in Baltimore. .
Respectfully submitted,

Peerless Oyster Document (006)
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