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virginiana, has a rounded top with spreading and reaching horizontal arms as large and heavy as the trunks of other trees. The horizontal and arched branches of the Live Oaks were used by early settlers of the Georgia Islands to build “Old Ironsides” and other ships. Featured today is the “Friendship Oak” on the University of Southern Mississippi campus in Long Beach.
Maps will be available showing the locations of this and many other Live Oaks at the following locations in Hancock and Harrison Counties: Hancock County Chamber of Commerce, Hwy 90, Bay St. Louis; Gulfport Chamber of Commerce, 1401 20th Ave., Gulfport; Long Beach Chamber of Commerce, Long Beach Small Craft Harbor; Pass Christian Chamber of Commerce, Pass Christian Small Craft Harbor; and, at the Hancock County Welcome Center, Interstate 10. MAPS WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLY ON MONDAY, MARCH 30.
BEAUVOIR Pilgrimage Chairmen: Mrs. Harry O. Evers and Mrs. D. L. Clippinger Tuesday, March 31-1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Located in Biloxi on West Beach Blvd. at Beauvoir Road. Beauvoir is the last home of the only President of the Confederacy. Built c. 1852-54, it houses Davis family heirlooms, a Confederate Museum and the Tomb of the Unknown Confederate Soldier. The Beach Garden Society established an arboretum on the grounds with identified and labeled plant species, now supported also by the Gulf Coast Council of Garden Clubs. Members of Beach Garden Society will serve as hostesses.
LEGENDARY AND ANCIENT LIVE OAKS (East of Highway 49) Wednesday, April 1 - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please refer to descriptions listed on Monday, March 30. Featured today are the “Twelve Oaks" located at 112 Hanley Road, Ocean Springs.
Maps will be available showing the location of these and many other Live Oaks at the following locations in Harrison and Jackson Counties: Biloxi Chamber of Commerce, 1048 Beach Blvd., Biloxi; Gulfport Area Chamber of Commerce, 1401 - 20th Ave., Gulfport; Ocean Springs Chamber of Commerce, 1000 Washington Ave., Ocean Springs; Pascagoula Chamber of Commerce, Hwy. 90, Pascagoula and at the Welcome Center, Interstate 10, near the Alabama State Line. MAPS WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1.
LONG BEACH Pilgrimage Co-Chairmen: Mesdames Earl Hudson, Don Wilson & Louis Crawford Thursday, April 2 - 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
1.	LONG BEACH GARDEN CENTER, 201 E. Fifth. (Corner of South Burke and Fifth.) Organized in July 1930, the club is now in its 62nd year, and its 39th in its own building, one of the few individually-owned garden club houses in Mississippi. Tea will be served from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m. Auntie Litter will be present. MAPS ARE AVAILABLE HERE.
2.	LONG BEACH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FELLOWSHIP BUILDING, McGINNIS-WHARTON HALL. (Comer of South Burke and Third Street.) The Fellowship building was built in 1936 from cypress and virgin pine lumber salvaged when the All Saints Episcopal Church, which was erected on Magnolia Street in the early 1890's, was demolished. The building was used as the church’s educational building until 1964, then rented to Head Start and the High School Drama Department. It was restored and converted into a Fellowship Hall in 1988 and 1989.
The Ocean Waves Quilters* will be demonstrating different quilting techniques; such as applique and hand quilting as well as machine quilting. The Guild will be displaying individual projects, group projects, as well as on-going projects. Displays will include old quilts, modern quilts, wall hangings, table runners, pillows, quillos, seminole skirts, vests, baby and children quilts, quilters carry-all and much more. Some of the quilts on display were purchased, some acquired as gifts, some heirlooms - but most were made by the members.
*Note - Due to popular demand, the Ocean Waves Quilters have agreed to participate again this year, and will extend their exhibit hours to 5:00 p.m. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Quilters Association (a 4 State area group) will begin their annual seminar at Gulf Park College this evening through Sunday. Exhibits are open to the public, but workshops are limited to members only.
3.	MEMORIAL ROSE GARDEN. Long Beach City Hall, 201 Jeff Davis. In March 1931, the Long Beach Garden Club members decided to enter a municipal Rose Garden contest, sponsored by the Woman’s Home Companion, with Mrs. Charles McDaris, Club President, acting as General Chairman. The town officials dedicated a plot of ground adjoining the Town Hall to the Garden Club for a Rose Garden, which the club planted with 650 Hybrid Tea Roses. Concrete walk-ways were laid with funds secured from the W.P.A. This garden was dedicated as a Memorial Garden when a sun-dial was presented by Mrs. Grace Jones Stewart in memory of her mother, Mrs. Joseph T. Jones. At one time the garden was listed as one of two Municipal Rose Gardens in Mississippi, the other being in Jackson.
The Garden was reestablished in 1991 with Mrs. Louis Crawford as Club President and Mrs. Don Wilson as Rose Garden Chairman. Three beds containing 100 roses were planted in time to be a feature of the 1991 Pilgrimage. The sun-dial is all that remains from the original garden.
4.	SENIOR CITIZENS’ ACTIVITY CENTER, 206 Jeff Davis. The activity center, which opened in May 1991, is fully funded by the citizens of Long Beach.
Please note the mural of historic Long Beach sites dating back to the early 1900s, which the seniors have painted on the North wall of the “dining” room.
5.	HOME OF COMMANDER AND MRS. MAX MILLER, 5001 Plantation Drive. This Acadian style house was designed by Mrs. Miller to fit the busy life-style of the Miller family. Of special interest in this home is Mrs. Miller's collection of quilted wall hangings, particularly the kitchen wall hanging, a gift from an art guild in Virginia. Also of interest is Commander Miller’s collection of Civil War prints

Pilgrimage Document (078)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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