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BILL TAYLOR COUNCILMAN-AT-LARGE City of Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi
(REVISED 8/22/03)
E.	The Commission shall establish its own regular meeting time; the first meeting shall be held
within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this ordinance and regular meetings shall be scheduled at least once per month, if necessary. The chairman or any two (2) members may call a special meeting to consider an urgent matter.
By ordinance, the City Council may establish landmarks, landmark sites, and preservation districts within the area of its jurisdiction. Such landmarks, landmark sites, or preservation districts shall be designated following the criteria as specified in Section II.
A.	The Commission shall initiate a continuing and thorough investigation of the archaeological, architectural, cultural, and historic significance of the city’s potential preservation districts, landmarks and landmark sites. The findings shall be collected in a cohesive format, made a matter of public record, and made available for public inspection. The Commission shall work toward providing complete documentation for previously designated preservation districts which would include:
1.	An inventory of all property within the boundary of the district, with photographs of each building and an evaluation of its significance to the district. Building evaluations are to be used only as a reference or guide and shall not be used as the determining factor for issuing or denying a certificate of appropriateness.
2.	An inventory which would be, in format, consistent with the statewide inventory format of the Historic Preservation Division of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (SHPO).
B.	The Commission shall recommend to the City Council the designation of preservation districts, landmarks, or landmark sites and submit or cause to be prepared ordinances to make such designation.
C.	A preservation district, landmark or landmark site may be nominated for designation upon motion of three members of the Commission or by an organization interested in historic preservation or by an owner of the property being nominated. A nomination shall contain information as specified by the Commission. The Commission must reach a decision on whether to recommend a proposed nomination to the City Council within six (6) months in the case of a preservation district and two (2) months in the case of either a landmark or landmark site.
D.	If the Commission votes to recommend to the City Council the designation of a proposed preservation district, landmark or landmark site, it shall promptly forward to the city its recommendation, in writing, together with an accompanying file.
E.	The Commission’s recommendation to the City Council for designation of a preservation district shall be accompanied by:
1.	A map of the preservation district that clearly delineates the boundaries.
2.	A written legal boundary description and justification.
3.	A written statement of significance for the proposed preservation district.
F.	No preservation district or districts shall be designated until the Mississippi Department of Archives and History has been notified by certified letter by the city and invited to make recommendations concerning the proposed district boundaries. Failure of the department to submit its analysis and recommendations to the city within sixty (60) days after receipt of the

Preservation Ordinance Document (007)
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