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ST 005f
? ^ > * ?
August ? 1873
; 1
(Letter from "-en. Adelbert A-es at Shieldsboro to his vife, ! r s. Blanche Butler A~es, and tv Bay Viev, Mass.)
0 children at
, Avgust 15, 1373
August 15, 1B73 Thieldsboro, Kiss.
I vas on a tramn yesterday and had no ormortunity to vrite to you.
Pass Christian & l-'ississimnj Ci t v
L?av before yesterday, ve, l-'ajor Gibbs, Capt. Raymond,
Caot. Cass and Collector Lindsay vent by rail to Pass Christian, a distance of some six miles. re-p.ined at the Fass till about seven in the evening vhen ve tool: a trsir. snd vent some nine miles further east to '.'ississinni City.
!'ississi"pi City is a very small flace, but has a very large hotel. It is all hotel?one of the old time vatering flaces, natronized by 1'ev Orleans ueoole. Cur stay there vas but for an hour.
Three Companies of TJ. 5. troops ?re stationed there to avoid the heat and sickness of the city (Mev	Orleans).	The
Regimental Band	is there, and the effect vas	some like	a
Northern vatering niece.
Fast Pascagoula
At	the end of the	-our, and after ve had	supoer,	ve took
another	train and vent	some forty miles still	further	east to
Bast Pascagoula.
Being ir. a	crovc, and of a crovd, ve vere compelled	to
play cards ??.?ell	after midnisht.
:'oss Point
In	the morning ?-?e	all got aboard a steam	tug and	vent some
six	or eiEht miles U'n the Pascagoula River to	a place	called
yoss Point ????here there are very extensive mills for converting the yello-'-- nine logs into lumber.
''? vs re gen-2 nearly all cay, and though sorevhrt vearied ve eno^?ec it ruc^.

Ames, Adelbert 006
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