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of th3 bne' who shouJLd perform the task. If we would succeed*in highest
v * .	*	- *<	V'
measure, "We should treat our minds aB delicate hut efficient instruments ^
given the soul with" which to work?and work them?shrinking not froln seemingly arduous tasks, and yielding not at all to the insiduous, .. weakening impulse of mental gravitation. While it is -true that'all
humah6^ai?#^Dorn?-to_trouble as upward, let all, :undaunted, ^ with the glad'ious privilege of inilpendenoe, meet eacjT*ohstac^e *\7
individually and do what the hand^ find to do* Troubles that loomed
dariK-ana forbidding Upon the horizon, will, when approached-.wlth i!uiconqu6r-
abla ?spirit, be sun-gilt when reached. Obstacles that appear
insurmountable at first glance, will be converted into stepping-stones
*	\ ? -
to higher achievment in the upbuilding of our characters. And if fre should fail in the actual., physical accomplishment of our plans, no mean reward for our efforts will consist in that higher respect for self, ' that feeling of courageou8 independence of mind, that self-approving knowledge of having '????^od four-squfire every wind that blows, thafccan
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l 1 handed and unwavering the obligations with whioh he is confronted. Let
us all remember and never lose sight of the fact that we are great or
small only within oxiraelves, and: that if we conquer?our own love of ease,
our own lassitude of mind, our own self-indulgence, we are
greater than the general who takls the armed city. ^ Alt? if we but conquer
and rationally control ourselves| we shall never weakly lean upon others,
but will, unaided, put into execxition those things that we are obligated
to do. Then shall we InevitablyIbe successful; and, in its truest,
i ?
broadest sense, great:	then	shall we be' a credit to ourselves* our
'?? tf ' ? ?* coofltry, and this belotfM school that we are leaving with sorrow and regret.
i/hatever may be our varying fortunes hereafter, may we all at the end
wear that crown of glory, tfie consciousness of a life Well lived. (Bow.)
(Thundering and Deafening Applause.)

Blanchards of BSL 024
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Hancock County Historical Society
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