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MAIiY bHISA ( Mamie)
New Orleans, La.
?Small in .st*itur. (pent in mind. and in school sjnril ncrer behind."
School and Senior ('lass (?lw?er Loader. Spanish, ('liib.
Children of Alary Sodality.
MOI/r ( X1/in )
New Orleans. La.
'(heat hearts hare largest room Jo hies.v the small, stronii inifuns i/ire the weaker home <nn! rest."
Spanish CIul).
Children of Mary Sodality.
( I llT ('till).
ADKI.K I?OUSTAI.I, 11?caehie) N'i'w Orlimns, I-a.
M miiiil mil lit he chtinyal by iilttcc <ir lime."
Si'iiini' Cuniii: Kililor.
(Mii 1 (Ii'cii nr Mury Smliility.
(ilri> (Hull.
MKIITIIA M. t; I ? rr 11 It 110 lllec)
.Vi w Orli?ims.. I,a.
" us hare more like her I'uimhle. f nentlh/. ki'nt mtil sincere."
Spiiuisli CIul)
('liililn'n ol' .Miii-y Smliility.
(;i.c Club.

Blanchards of BSL 048
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Hancock County Historical Society
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