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enemy, i* indicated by tU? shaded area,.
fforts will not eease an-irive ends Mav I. Of/i-confident, lie saiSr tTwt in S2ft,00<VT000 will even-*'raised'from sources in ;
1?37T^	H
ed to swell the campaign j day are returns from hick hayeJield up. reports. !
pir sales kits had been 1	??
Iv used up, he said. Head- People Have Right to Infor-has asked these learns to -eir reports so that bond rs may receive all the in-i* them, said Mr. Reed.
' M. Rault, chairman of
iimMf nvra w|
ALA. 011. C l lA.
_'^1? - After abstaining urclity 5n3oHg5ange^ and former Czecho-?
mation, Says Roberts
. (Thr AMOCtatsd Prrta)
New York, April 18.?Rov A. ans parish war savings ! Roberts, president of the Amen-? ???h?	,U? ?.,r fi. ran Society of Newspaper Kditors,
?? mndurtinz the said toniFht ,hat a majority of the 7	,h* frpat TfScIety's board of directors, meet-
nA he \ olun ' in? hfre- had protested. President-] this wee* is to reach in-
Roosevelt's "declared policy" of. barrine newspapermen from the forthcoming United Nations food conference.
? President Roosevelt's declared policy denies reasonable access 10 tention to the fart that ? originaf sources of information the bond sales' lo date i and progress of'the forthcoming
for support of the drive, each Average Citizen tarv of the Treasury Hen-enthau, Jr.', has rightly
n made u> large purchas-. Rault said. The thing o is to B?i at the average
Pd Have him subscribe to of his financial ability." 'rson who purchases war > said, "not only performs tic duty but contributes s to*avoid inflation, ns are asXed not to wait itors to approach them subscriptions but to vol-come forward to bond -ters in the National Commerce building and ?ir purchases," Mr. Rault t is not necessary to re-?m that it is a. ("this husjness.''
Ration Kept n Weekly Basis
<Th* Associated PrwsJ
I'niled. Nations food conference, said a statement Issued by Roberts jnri nlhar m?mh?n rJ.?HV
board. "Without adequate infor-i matifm, sound public opinion can-j not he formed.
"The president?s ' policy cjia^ ttenges the'rSght ofttie- AmerlCanf ?people to receive public inform*; 'lion free of governmental restrictions or control. A pattern, is I being established which, if con-'
| tinued. win stifle the right of free | inquiry and prevent continuous ! flow of full information to the ! public. The government should 1 not use voluntary ce.nsorship to ; serve its convenience and interest, j : We should strongly hold -to the j j principle that in the United Stales j the people have a right to partiei- ] pate in public decisions.
!	Policy Protested'	j
1 ?The government snoulri not; vyithhold-o'r restrict information on \ tlie food conference. Newspapers: ate 'discouraged from exercising :
: ordinary diligence in' iftforming *
by War Reporter
Bourgeois Knocks Jap Train Oyer ?Like Child?* Toy?
Master Sergeant Robert C. Bourgeois, 25-year-old - New prleanian who bombed Tokyo in April, J942,
?with Major General Jimmy , Doolittle, is still battering Japanese.; 0ff'the Dutch coast slit strongholds in the Orient accord- ; t?rkwl. with hits ob-^s !ttjf to. Associated Tress Cofre-1 ?pondent Thobum. Wlant.
over the?wee&^end, w over great areas of bosflbmg powerhoum unwelcome.
Medium Ventura borr eorted by fighter*-Carrie nonstop attack yestercfc noon -with an assault on 1 at Dieppe. - the French tow*t-	AlliM fore*
a commando raid last y
A German convoy of
watched Bombardier Bourgeois blast Jap communication lines in Burma from a medium-sized' bomber in a 21-hour raid by United Stales Air Forces Saturday. Sergeant Bourgeois, son of Mr.
, sels, while air raid war 0 j ly Monday hi Switzer lam ed heayy R_ A. E_bomb might be e-n route to It don had three alerts ? h'our?. one a false one au ers caused by nuisance The Russian mtdnigjii-
ind Mrs. iL M. Bourgeois,	reported	tMTBliTESj
Iberville street, shared the bom-	-
l^njier?S compartment with Wi
more Germane In the N Caucasus, nixing^
errr	.	.
death toJJ. to 6200 irf t? Moiicovf;. also annom
losses, and said another
who tOld how th* New^Or; boy knocked alt a row of ?eight cars on a skiing of the Ea-ngoon-Maroia-laj?
??Thazi. and described looking "easier than kicking over ? child'* toy.? Bou wife, the former Ml**	; d,v.? <i*htin*
Wiekes, resides at 3015 Eagle j ^ j^'pres* featt street.	_	'of the latest Ruguan- aji
I "Despfte the Importance of i Koenigsberg, Dan*ig-r * J Thazi as a Junction. ,rWianX s important' Eastern Gen wrote.".the Japanese did not fire I munic*tion points along
. .______	a s>ngle burst of anti-aircraft Utc lnd also significant:
AII\ CAD DmirCCC she"s at llf- several, minutes aft-; Red army flying school nil/ ruiv IujrUllLtlj ier ,h* smoke and dust from ouriout increasing- numbers
: bombs shot skyward we spotted- nein? laUght night bom! -----------	i	two	enemy	fighters	but	they were I njq?e
Law Denies Eneiand Seeks	away	and	had	no	chsnc* ic	RUSSians	reportea
ratrh us.	_	-	, man forces in the Kclli
"This was the second straight !tivo rlanypj nL losing-day that_m"Miium bombers 'ishe<i: footnold in .he Oaucast out at supplies being sent h.y the | o>.it v ,th several counter
to Bargain at Par ley._
T-familtnn. Rermi.wte. April.IS.?i.Iapaneap to troops in Northprr.
effort to >-eJieve ti
npton. April Hr?Moat j itie public of ihe progress of itipse
on the pretext ifiat
^-rll 'continue f>n a
tTE~pnrmc?. weekly ? discussions. 11
'Ml	I Ulir	n	V'	rfM	?	t	li 1.TV U73IV1K', oil ill^	CVCA	I,	II	10	L
May. officials said today. ! fee inquiry might embarrass pro-
steaks, cheese, nutter and j,	.	.
Physical ao<*ess to dele^atos js oducts went on the con- being restricted. Military infor-it	system. March 29, OPA mation is	not	involved. Press and
cl	hope that	the weekly Public gladly	w ithhold information
t	wmiiri h*	i-smTOrarv :,hal aids	ll^e	enemy.	Dangerous
?	aould__De	letnpTSLaryj.^^^	tn=rt?ltwra7r
Richard Kidston I j* chairman nf I Burma. Yesterday they-*a ided rail-] pressu s bein^r brough the'British delega'ior to the ref- wav- yards at Mandaiay an^iRed army hi;t that. tK
nnAA />nnfnran/<n n#uninff tnmni*. 1 Yu'it^iinn in	t U a >.'yM - ? V% ..i_	___:	_	"ortn	?...	V'^oi
iVrnTinrarv : lnal alas lne enemy. Dangeruus .w -u j | pret,t>tlents?are "being BCTghllshW as soon as meat stocks ; which will hide in a cloud of pub-a national and stoce-to-1 ||C misunderstanding and doubt
___________	_______rei-1 wa
ugee conference" f?oening? torhor-1 Ywataung. 10 miles to the south row, disclaimed any intention to-1 in the greatest H'splay of day^or Trying to bargain wirh the i inpdium'bomber-strengtn here lo Americans; in seekinc ways and : date.
means' to shelter m.ilmn.-= of po- -BesidM homos, we drooped -tflfllllLxefugees fnvri Knrope. thousands of propajtanda leaflets U-p-hwnot c-nire here toT??r- prinIP(l jn re{( blue an(j %e|jovv-
gain v* ith the Am* .rin delega-. ink^_One side showed the Burmese tion. or vice versa, ne Hiiri c??-| being forced to pile up their treas-
sult was 800 mort Nazi five more- wre<-ke&' Nj ?^he fighting ersewhen eastern* front was nothi and ;he Soviet press fe; latest Russian air at Koeni^sberg. Danzig a the laiter_descnbed a*
:is became adjusted to ra-
lesDondents. ?we ha-
possible lo put *, in a monthly basis, giv-riublic more flexibility in s.
still the hope of officials, said that the meat inven-jatjpn still is not good
0	permit people to spend ipons two nr throe weeks
time if they choose, of the May meat rations to be announced early. k,-but are expect ed to be V same as they were in
1	points per person per ith the unused coupons >f the first four weeks re-valid until the end of the
the solution of international prob-
lems. raising a question wnemer open covenants are being openly arrived at.
"This policy should tie abandoned. It promotes distrust of the government and denies the right of every American citizen tn know what his government is doing and to form an opinion about it. Only as the public is informed can democracy survive."
I/fadrrs Join In Action . Joining- .Rebei-ts. who is from the Kansas City Star, in issuing the statement were William Allen White of the Kmporia. Kans. Gazette; Tom Wallacc of ihe Louisville. Ky.. Times: Dwight .Marvin nf the Troy, X. Y., Record: U\ S.
ant rail junction betw O'ne to er- lirps am| lr,oney jn f,:ont of a fa, pn,Ss(a( the Baltic cout amine the refugee i>r<-.htem and ? s,inning bespectacled Jaoanese 1 Toland. ? ?*
reach some concnatmns uhii-h ruft r:i?,...............i, 1n 3rpi-,~. j
could be referred -n the respe,- -,rNt hl Ru'rmesc> was on the oth- '
tive governments "s.- the basis for'pr sjf|p future inter governmental action.'' .	"
?? we e,cpei-f?-' with one nfonral d-.:'-. ilia tonisht -W; and HaroW American chairman ed to "get. acquat^--another at a smaT tier aj, the govern'-as gu'ests of Actir-i I.. Murphy. ;
I .aiv. parliamer ; retary of foreign a-of a former prime ftrew- Bonar l.avv inc session of J'e would _be _devoted agenda and organizs* .on of v.ork.j^' Handicaps \*iaiittF(t	^
Sljippins And immigration
nere over enemy terriio-? tuo and a half hours. I kept do'p lookout tor signs nf mili-activitv but saw very few.
-ii antly told of Red army flyir where pilots in increas bers are being taug bombing techniq-ue.
Hiller Knd.? Pari It was disclosed that
Apparently the Japanese still arei'er. still getting ready'
moving ;nn? night and keep-; tan for the big blow. h&
? ?ing out. nf sight in the daytime. ! a tuo-ilay visit wit!
?Hi saw only a lew ships in the IV- I Nicholas Hortliv. res^n
iawa(UI.\- river. Kvcn 'sampans gary. It was the four
were few and far between.	conference of Its kind, a
<?,d the -nrvM_--mi . route to the Jart-et, tlje..!^bviouslv designed to
conference	.	friendly Bourgeois rem- ? 'mpresstnn of extreme
d.-Eftinc anl'H'-^ri about the Tokvn raid. ? '.vlthm. h^.	?
.	..	dln sal(i	Hungaiia
? tinder-?c-311 s and ."in ?Hlnister \ n-
oule to the Iii'i-etr tlu*..! friendly Rourgeois r-em- 1 inisced' about the Tokyo raid. ' which was his first combat
""I have heWi on a'flock of-mis-
' ?iM ?svttem- is? workeci :,lmnie of?t+rt1?Brtroit,- Mifh.,;lhe iiiiiw,- wltjg d*1-"Sltms since then, but that one ??as nih. small lanvilies win j^e"jS: ^'ilbur-Knu^st jit.the.Njuv rgales. Avhn jxlar?- -?? wn~i4e?- pai--'he be.-i- bv-lar:? he said
Co^innrd on Page 2. t'olnniR ^ ' <?orr<iiFii
stand tirm. but did no whether. Hitler found i rv to otter them a .--ecoi
__________s will i
tor me lirst, week or je month enough coupons ! Jarge purchases such as ? a'BiiTT'oast. nm win nave ?oupons until, perhaps tlie if May.
.ed on Page 2, ('oliim* 4
ntme Leader 'tins U. S. Visit
"The ,tun -tvas,shining brightlv as ?e neared tlie- target. The planes ahead vvere led hv KiKULfciii-
?);i.iou of Lhi?ee TRTmTifi'S and three the damaging of two et face \-essels irt the P7?
am John Tyson. 2."..
....	lar.ris area w-gs announc
R/utr'mni. _. '?,?E lfnPson- navy, along with the t
hornh- ^ ?h	aS(Ml	0"-'	our heavy and medium
r>omn?. I saw them piaster a row .	*	______	___
of freighi car? on & skiing. It
?Cat? Burglar
Cant. Clark Gable
11 Sc

Bourgeois article-003
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