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? 4- .
Haro0 0%. County.	.	)	*'	I	hereby	certify	that	I	have ..usefully
?	?	?	*	r - '
examined the records in the oTfiue, --*?	uie Clerk of'The	Chancery unci
Circuit Courts	of auid County, in regard	to Iota 1	and	2 of	Block 2
cf tl.e xl-t cf	;kn chorale, ??-11 the Tov/n	of	./aveland;	ui:cl	find	that the
fc>... I V
reoord "t tt-ler'to^^lHa"'
r :rt!.cr urUf,	t:.?r?	cr rs^rc;
trust deeds or encuubrancea against said property,	to-wit;	t	f? deed executed or. october 15th., 19^6,	by Harold	^.I'oise
to Jarl I.?Lrshull, Trustee, in favor of Herbert ^.rurker, to secure the payment of an indebtedness of v4500.00 ov/iii? by s;nld :.:aise to said iar~ leer, evid?*.ced by a prcnisor} note of even date v.-ith said tru?t deed, payable one ye..r after date, v/ith interest at the rate of	per	un-
nuia froi:i date until paid, .unable paarterly. Jaia trust deed is of record in Vol. of the records of Llort^u^es und iieeda of Trust on !> ; ?
j ' .
Lands, at pace?s 287 - 339*
trust deed froii. Harold *.i:olse to P.H..Jitters, Trustee, to
_secuE?_..t:;-;q I^tQrs.tll?.__lJ^ankin.r	orle^Js, L?.------s?i-d -
?? truat deed i:: dated lioveiuber 25th., 1927, and vaa given to seyure the ^ v ..ayiaent ol? an indebtedness of ^4500.00, evidenced b\ a prcr..ispry note, payable on demand, \<ith interest at the rate of 6,j per annur. from date until r:'id. Recorded in Vol. ^ of the Records of i'ortraijes and lieede of pm at on Lands, at pu^es 583 - 5B5.
I'3ither of the above recited deeds of trust appear satisfied of record.
i further certify that there are no other liens, judgments or incur;, brancea recorded against said property, except those above mentioned.
.jitnes3 r.y signature this 30th. day of Le o r, .k._.1027.	;	?;
j iV oatractar.
^ .. b.

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