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v\ . K'
ll-w Orleans, La.
January <=X y 1 )l-6
l-.r. J. Chris. iTungesser, lMj C.-irondolet Street,
IT tv Orleans,	Louisiana.
Dear Sir:
In connection with the transfer of the property in Lot 2 of TSlocI-:
2	of Anchor.-'.^e 3ab-division, (Third Uard, Tov/n of Uavel^md, Mississippi, "by ourselves to-you, it is understood that in accordance with. our a?reeia~nt you are to hnve a proportionate "benefit in and to any v/ater lines passing through the property still evened by us to the said Lot 2, and particularly a one-thirty-second interest in the artesion well now located at 7^4 South Beach Boulevard, Uaveland, Mississippi.
Yours very truly,
? Lmaa^mu^SI
Be it Icnovii that on this the P-f^^ny of January, 19^6, before me, LIOIT SAliPY, a Uottijy Public for the Parish of Orleans, personally came and appeared COmO'f-OPKIHS SCOGOIiTS, IlIBlAl-i H0PKIII3 HUGE3 AND GLADYS HOPKIHS BAEK1/2Y, who sirred the f ore^oin,* instrument before ne in the presence of the witness thereto subscribed as such, and the said appearers thereupon declared and ac!:nov/led~ed unto me that they signed and executed the fore-Soin^ iiis':ruxacnt as theirown free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth.
In vjitness whereof I have hereunto set my official hand and seal
on the o.?'

Bourgeois transfer-of-property-018
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