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JT 00469	\,,A
ire-' :ict? : nv:::,?]::.'x ? rt/mdtxcsb
v:r:.L T7.T?:rr; ?.y riTTT -- bc^tet carre tt- VAr-r.r o? rir..r>r:Ti??i Dir-colors
C1 A ?WTTri
)ay -	1871
Hay ^t. Louis, Miss., Lav ?3, (^71^. To the 'ditor of the N. 0. Tires ?
Fay r^t ? Loui r. will be payer thir season, 1 predict, than at any tire since the var.
The co"nl^tion offered by the Chattanooga road C.v. 0., Lotilo & Texan Railroad) caused that long-headed, far-seeine Ling of stear.shin Ten, Charles ? organ, Esq., to nut on a sufficient number of his fire shins to ar co.~~.oda te the ir.rense travel to and frorr this beautiful vs ter in? nlnce, tut everyone snea .r. in the highest terms of the ?-?org'n line."
: cr:r? c-: atf y tc.vr l by
'ARLl. r.T BI OLD ?
?	..:u	.?	i	j.	j
The hotel 'a?comoda t i ons vill be far better thir season than ever before. That old and favorite hotel, the "Stockton House," is alr_ady onen and veil patronised, vith	rocrs	enraped for the
entire season.
A npv hotcl. is huildins, called th? "Mardeau ronre," about tvo Filer; further un the bay, near Kicholron avenue. 3t vill te a very fine hour0 vher. co-aleted.
Residences T^^roved
?any o'* the rrivate residences h'.ve tern fitted un in ragnificent style, the chief area'7 therr beinr ih~ residence of that nersevering and go-ahead citiren of "ev Or 1 ennIt is probably the rort costly and elegantly fitted nrivate residence at any vatering nlace in the ^outh.
A'"idst the bloor-ir.g olants r.nv te seen v. number of Chinese urns and flover vases, vith quaint carved Chinese seats, ra'.e expressly for nleasure ."rounds and' proves. The vhole house and grounds are brilliantly illurir.ated by Barbarin gas, r.ade on the nrenises,- and being a nev thing here.It dravs equal to the arrival Df the John T.
? oore at ?t?hre',prort.

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