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) Vol. a*. i i no. n. r
adjoining the railroad plant. Two of the boys have confessed ; their motive, they say, was ?fun.?
Bluffing the New York office of the National Life insurance company of Montpelier in the Ward case is at an end. General Manager J. F. Makley returned from his European trip on Tuesday and is giving personal attention to the matter. Interesting developments are said to be expected.
Two new mutuals organized at Philadelphia are the Automatic Mutual and the Protective Mutual, both of which will be managed by William Kane, as president. His new stock company, the Schuylkill Fire with $100,000 cash capital and $25,000 surplus has received its charter.
Thk London Review has conferred the distinction of knighthood on the late George T. Hope, president of the Continental, who was, however, like Gladstone, too great a man to need a title of any kind.
Ax application has been made by Attorney Washburn Brooklyn, for the appointment of a receiver for the Brooklyn Lloyds by subscribers who are dissatisfied with the conduct of the manager.	___________________
Thk Peoples Accident Association, recently chartered in New York, is preparing to transact a personal accident insurance business on the assessment plan, about October 1.
Declaration of intention to organize the Consolidated Mutual Fire insurance company of New York is made by Sieg. Tvnberg, Jr., Raymond Hayes of Boston and others.
The Illinois insurance department has granted a license to the Canada Life assurance company of Hamilton, Ont., to do business in that state.
Union Central Life:	J. M. Smith of Minneapolis, state agent for
United 8ta?es Casualty Company: Alonzo Brymer, general agent for the city of Brooklyn.
Mr. Henry Hartcau, (be well-known plate glass underwriter, died at Brooklyn, N. Y., on Thursday, aired seventy-seven years, from complications arising from n recent attack ot typhoid rover. He was one of the founders ot the Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance company In H71, and its president from that lime to his death. He was a native of Stockbridge, Muss , and went to Brooklyn in his youth and was many years engaged in the blue stone und building material business. He was the first president of the Mechanics and Traders Kxchange of Brooklyn. During more than twenty-one years connection with ihe plate gla.s< insurance company Mr. Harteau's devotion to its interests was so ardent thnt he never missed a board or commlttec meeting. He is survived by his wife.
Mr. Robert Kirkwood Mackenzie his been appointed a distant secretary of the Norwich U'lion Fire (homo office). Ho was with the Scottish Union and National from 1ST9 to Irfll. and left in the latter year to become private t-ecrotary to the iale Manuger McLaren of the Royal. Afterwards Mr. Mackenzie in conjunction with other responsible duties held a position in the foreign department of the Royal, and in that capacity visited Canada, the United States, the Wei>t Indies ami several important business places on the continent.
Mr. Charles Cavaroc. for many year* the leading banker of New Orleana and the organizer and president or Ihe New Orleans Insurance Association. died there on Wednesday, aged sixty-seven years. From I86H to 1*73 he was regun led as the wealthiest citizen of ,Vew Orlean*. He went oown with his bank in the panic of 1<<vt.
Mr. A. M. Thorburn. assistant secretary of the United States branch of the Sun of London, hus been appointed secretary, sucooedlng Mr. J. J. Purcell who was recently appointed oselstant manager.
Mr. Nathan Kaufmmn has associated himself in the capacity of superintendent of agencies of the Mutual Benefit Life for the state of Missouri, with Mr. lid win Fowler, state agent thereof at St. Louis.
Mr. Calvin T. Hxzen, formerly treasurer of the United 8tates Mutual Accident Association, l? Interested in the organization of a new accldem insurance company.
Insurance Commissioner Lambert of Pennsylvania is annoyed tx cause the printing department of the state government Is so laggard with the prlnflug of his annuul report.
Mr. Charles T. Hopper, late secretary of the Uulted States Mutual Accident Association, has acccpted a position with the Great Eastern Casualty and Indemnity company.
Mr. C. \V. Neal of Marlon, Ind., succeeded Mr. G. W. Duke as deputy state auditor of Indiana, supervising of the insurance business, on September I.
Mr. N. J. SchmU, general antnt of the Penn Mutual Life for Nebraska, died In Florida, whltber he had gone lor his health, September i.
Mr. H. H. Kellogg of Boston, has resigned as special agent of the Imperial to take r similar position with the Agricultural of Watertown.
Prof. William John Bateman has been appointed by the Mutual Life of
Vnrlr Ira r*htaf ncrAnrv fliinppm^Annpnf. for Trt?lnnrl

Cavaroc 008
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