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,4 ?
?	An ac(, (o emancipate Lucinda Jefferson An act , for tfie rplie.f of. John Quavre'. r |
An act, to eitiend'the limits of Wj An act, to amepii an act, entitled and regulaiing oflnns and Taverns ; ruary,	t=:c;	<	>	'	'	? !
jj'An, act. ,lq establish .Courjjy of ;|l.]
:? An act, for the relfel
*	The Hou:e, according to the order'i
self into a committee of tlie whole Ho..............
peal so much of the 13th section of the Militia I. wJOth day?of February, 1821, ns^ rcfpecU the?time of holding . Company Musters ; and after spmc tinic; spent, therein, Mr.^ . (> *'Speaker resumed the Chair, and Mr. Liddell reported,- tns^ the committee had had the_said 13ill,under;c6nsideratioiy and ? i-- i ?- i-:	11	-	?	'	'	'?1 which was handed in at the
iwy.*y-!\ l-
icu!for the reliefof the Ileirs of Frederick Ca
.Vr&fedtfwiiich .tvas read the'first time,
<Sinn#p. moved that 'the rule hife di$pense(l '
?	*? V
?? ypj ?	>
of Frederick Calvet, deceav With, and the
#'Jiad 'made an amendment thpreiV;1 which washnnded inatlhe ^
?	'ClerkVtable. :V:	V'*1	?	V ?	r;:C,r:
'? ? On mol[on pf^Mr. Liddell,;	'	;!.Y..	^	?'
? ? -.Resolved, That the said Report lie received and agreed to. .'~
On motion of Mr. Scott, 1	, ,? ?V. ?	ij",?	?ilU - s<
. Ordered, That the said Hill be Engrossed as amended, and ??
?	riiadc the order of the day for its third reading for Monday next. , $ Mr. Chainey, according to notice given, asked /gr, and ob-?
I tained leav e to bring,in a Bill, entitjed an act, foi* the, des^rnc- * lion of. Wolves; and with leave of the llouse it was rcail thcv.* ?. ^sccond time forthwith. ? ?	-:'Ji : j-v., $?}?;<	|	^
On motion of Mr. Runnels, ..~	1
Ordered, That the said Bill be rffprred (o !a dtmmitte^ of. /il r the whole House^ and made the order of the day fob Monday
? next. ??	*'	?'	:	SiJUl
?. On motion of Mr. .Watts,.	) V/.i yy.tiV'	*.	.f s'1
The House adjourned till half after 3 o?clock, P. M.-V,?-'	* ,
? y
?? , llalf'jlfler. Threa ?ft'dbclf &W/V&V* V * .,12? . , ... . ;j	v	,/	?'	???	jij
The House met pursuant to adjournment.,	r
Mr. Harris, (Cov.) iiiovtd that thVottlerbf tl(b drfy, oil? t?ke Bill, entitled an act, to divide Covington County ah'd form a f i ?<. new county out of the same, ;be rescinded...v , .
Mr.'flloriis gave notice, that on Monday'ripittj he Will ask for!'
. . leave, to'bring in'a Bill to exempt Militia Officers from performing duty as Guards to a J?risoner or IVisonerS.	?
Mr. Cooper, from the Select Committee]; to wborin was refer-/ r red the Petition of John F. Bowie, reported a Bill,'entitled
; W:*	\	?	Iv't"'*.''
ii^^?,,?rif.was resolved in ine aiiiniwiirc.
P-5'iV ???'.The House, according to the order" of the day, resolv . into a committee of the whole /louse, ?on the Bill 2S?fHC?njing Oaths,of Office ; and after -some time spent theroin, Srr..SjKiker resumed .the Chair; and, Mr.?^Wbiting reported,'1 2* tint the comraittee. had had the said Bill under .consideration i amendment'thereto j"1 which was liandeij in at
Iv1-? \-V	Mr.	Tortcf,	r	-.'!m	'	-?
TbM the said report be jreceive'd and agreed to.';- ?
On motion of, Mr. Tumfer, .,,	?,; ? J'? ,.!>?'-.,y. P..' -j
???'*?.? ? Ordered. That the satd Bill be Engrossed as amended, ani
j/ ttovl
?i/Ordered. 1 nai me s*iu	0
V.m*de ibo oraer'of the day for it? third reading on Monday next. r?^c Tbb House1, according to the order "of the day, resolved jt-into a committeeofthe whole House on the Bill, to amend ?n4ct, entitled an act, to exempt certain articles therein men- ? fv^'tioned,' from being taken in executiorf; and after some time A'	t^reln,	Mr.	Speaker resumed the Chair and Air. Tur-
if \b^r reported, tbit .llje committee had had^ the said Bill under , Ai*; toiijiilchlioii,' and had made sundry amendments thereto; i* wbicK Were handed in at the Clerk?s table.	- i
,On motion of Mr. Turner,	'	.	?
4, ?'That the said Report be received and agreed to,
1 U '- Orfmotion of Mr. Johnston,
ii Ordered, That the said Bill baEngrossed as amended, and !' mido the order of the day for its third reading for Monday next.
. i A MtSsagd from the Governor, by Mr. Burns, his Private ^ecfctarj?, notifying this House,.that the Governor did, on this icSr^', approve and sign the following acts : ' v ^	?
An att, t? Emancipate Lucinda Jefferson. ?	'.
I^V^ft*^ J'n ac^> for tlie relief of John Quavre. ' ? t ? i i ,?
> f' ,An act, to extend the limits of Warren County. *? ; i"1 ''An act, 16 establish additional Election Districts in the Coun-of Hancock.	f*	'.-I;-.*	-j	'A	?'

Cuevas 070
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Hancock County Historical Society
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