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v; - IlAjSlfiCS. COTJHTT ?'
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?	HlSTOalOAt-iffiaSARCfi J??O.TECT ?
.7 ,
Jlily 27* 1936*, Vf ? .1-
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Siman. A. Clay v'	?	,	0(^
Kary L- Jokieh. : ? (	'	;	:
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? h	In	an	interview	with	Kre	?	George	$?	Johnston*	"who	tfill
-	,	.	.	?m	*	r	?*	?	?	t	'imi j. i?	.	wk-	?
roach her 94th* birthday on August 10th*? 1936 &rs* Jt^^ton S
: .* - ^ ..............................................? ^
said that her f ather~in-ln?j, J* J. Johnston
Vlrgln3/? build tvhat vas known ns tho Jackson IIouso. This homo ^as situated near Lake shore on tho raveland Doaoh; (Lakeshcre	o'
at that t lias/known as Chlnchuba but vhy that nara 7?se 36 flot .Joio^) i'/	?
/; 's::- '/The ' lumber far- this building nns t a icon from tro^s on ?tl??;pi'- oe?*? which txt?"' itetoi ?lth a oroes out 8nw and lumber out with an'adz*;^|:iii V' Woollen logs ^ern used instond of nni 1 s. 'liio flooring 'four by^.vivi^ six inohes. Brick was mado on tho plrco of clay and foundet iona:;?)?$* ?:.?
?	-1 . " '	' ?	\K,'
tvero - put?together Tirith tar ran do from fat pino*
.	-*	J	/.	?	i	?	*	*	;	;	>	'	V	??
. "-Qoforo the house ?sna fully completed it "was-entirely , dostroyod by fire.	'	?
1 ? ii.	'	?	'	:	:	; / i	J
% Atitf-g	tiioo	of the	General Jackson was' in"Hew 'y.-
Orlcons arid oacio ovor to i-Jil^ldsbvro, paid Mr, Johnston; for his ' ?
t.-ork cmd? ordered hln to rohutld tho houso?	?..??	?>;.?..?	1
I' -'r^'vr-iv^
naiK! b
Kro. ? Johneton said t wit la tho mean time - a man t?hot
?	? ?J	.	- ' :L"	.
?ho. Cotlld not recall built n mill on ?ayou Oallerdv'^'vii^-vV^
N	r*?	: 1
and manufactured tho lumbar, used in tho now building. Peso: '&aA?;	-
; t;'-- ?
.5 ?.*4 ??????	*
square nailfl r/eare uood.

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