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Know all a?n by thtj that 3?nproniou? Huij
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HOSOR* 7* DEBL1SUX JR.(^tfzivr Pariah and State of Louisiana for and in tion of the sum of two thousand, dollars, to be paid I
to him on his lawful representativea, agenta or aaalj Honor? F. JDeblieux Junior of Hanoook Gounty and Stat^ iaaippi $1000	, one thousand dollars on the tent
June (187 6) Eighteen Hundred and seventy Six, and^ promiaaory note for five hundred dollars, with inter?] eight (8) per oent on the same from lafcth day of JUSJ eight hundred, und aeventy aix to be paid on tenth da^i
n J
June (1877) eight hundred and eeventy seven and hiij iaaory note for fivo hundred dollars with interoat fi?{ Eighteen hundred and aeventy aix at the rate of eigjitj
per oent per annum to be paid ontenth day of ^une 13li een hundred and aeventy eight, have given; granted, fej aold and delivered, and by these presents do give, gain, and deliver unto the said Honore1 F. Defclieux,|j his heira and aasigna, forever. The following piS< paroel of land To wit being the fraotional aeotij (16) Township (9) Nine Range (14) fourteen to wit, ^ ing three hundred and eighteen 318 67/100 aorea aitt upon the aea ahore in the bounty of Hancock and ^taj isaipyi, being the late reaideno? of Coll Andrew J9.J purohaaed by the aaid Semproniua Ruaa from RodriolC;| the eighteenth day of May A.D. 1872, eighteen hv Seventy two aaid Rodriok Seale purohaaed <ame atjj sale on the 7th day of Feby. A.D. 1870. Eighteen f seventy Whioh Deed ia reoorded in Reoorder?s taO{

DeBlieux 004
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