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It has not been edited and may therefore contain several errors.

Children born to this union
Mary Louise, Alphonse CregolfV^fAlthur Napoleon, ?	???*?;.	.	J
Leonide lll/ille, Olivia Isadore ,j &jl 1 ie Isabella, ? ^	;	J
Louis Cllberc, Elmer and Adoiibd. j
Erallle Isabelle was born on March 21, 1871, aa attaatsd to bjte
baptismal record at the Nativity Cathedral.	*
On May 4, 1871, I have baptized Emllie Isabelle, the legitimate daughter of Louis Groux and Marie Parka, born on March 21, 1871. The godfather was Louis Croior and the godmother Elolse Ladner. (Biloxi, BB 3, p. 13,
Ac: 67.)
Rev. jft N. Berchea, CSSR
Knilie's early life was that of learning fro* her Bother tha usual .
feraintne graces and skills, particularly that of cooking. This la- on# of thoM	'
?	1
specialties of the oldei generations oo Bacfe Bay. Most of the woven, and ??nj'i'jfcfcj
r	.	'	1	?	?'
the "?ei., were excellent cooks.	j
I	1	J	*\	.' h
As time went on Emllie began courting Armand Cannette of tha aaai
' hi '
Jn those days there were not too many social activities, ao courtsk^^ highlv supervised by the father of the girl. Staying ouC lste wis not
general Iv "the order of the day." However, in due time tha coupla a^rltd
the little church established on the North aide of tha Back Bay.
the Noi
. it ; and VI*J4
On May 1, 1889, I joined In the sacred bonds of	.
trlmonv Armand Cannette, legitimate son of Raymond 1''	I*
Cannette and Marie Ryan, and Amelle Crou, legitimate	^	^
daughter of Louis Crou and Marie Parker. (Book 3,	"	r?	*
3*. Act 327.)	'
: (? 1 ne ?1e Tlbl1er ?rs?*ph Fontaine
01 Ivla Crou Belle Fontaine Eugenia Fontaine
Rev. P. Chevalier, Paator	1
.vu?f j -v^vrf5<
I ? V
Anund was born on Back Bay on April 3, 1864, not too far from
OlPuf hnrae

Fayard 022
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Hancock County Historical Society
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