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gave the Holy 011a to a pirl bom on Octobar 29, 1817, that v'uj.**	-v'
legitimate daughter of Alrxle Pallard and Martha Rain'. .	\	?V'
Paternal grandparenta, are Louie Paliard aod Martha Cargaret; e maternal, Santiago Rain and Marla Cargaret. During'the	^	I
holy ceremonlea the child was given the name Roae Ceclle." Of early]? Codparenta are Jose Garcia and Roaa Crea (?), who were ad*	I
vised of their aplrltual parentage. I algn.	-	:w ??? r vi-re?t a
Rev. Vincente Genan
On July IB, 1837, Roae Cecile Fayard vaa married to Jaaea Parker of
Baltimore, Maryland. How they became acVfualnte^ la not known, but thia couple were the parents of seven children:	Jamea, Matilda; Mary, Lavlnla, William, Roae Ceclle
and Ursln. James married Elizabeth Craven on February 2S, 1876; Matilda married George	Armstrong on March,11, 1878; Mary	Martha married	Loula	Croue	on May	8V
1860;	Lavinia married John Baptlat Moran	on F^vruary 6,	1867;	William married
F.mna Cuevas on April 6, 1880; Rose Ceclle married William Stewart on April 27a %
1877; and Ursln married Ada Nelaon on March 4,- 1904.
, *
Marie Marthi,?as seen abovfe, married Loula Croue of Back Bay. She vaa born at the old homestead on Parker Creek on liprll 22, 1841. In order for her to hr t^ipr I m*.I . (h?* j./iirntN took her to Rlloxi fifteen month* later, at which time the account of the baptism was recorded in the church regltter.
On July 22, 1842, waa baptized Marie Martha, born on April 22, 1841, the daughter of Jamea Parker and Roae Ceclle Fayard. Codparenta are	Etienne Lafaure and
Delarie Fayard (aunt).	|
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Though only jfour montha older, Lou 1^1 Croue vaa baptized on the aa
day as Marie Martha, July 22, 1842. J}
On July 22, 1842, waa baptized Loula, born on December 9, 1840, son of Louts Croue and Elolse Ladner* Godparents are Jean Baptiste Ladner (grandfather) and Marie Araene Ladner

Fayard 027
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