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used as part of said plant.
ALSO EL2V2Ii shrimp sane s.
ALSO all of the thirteen vessels that go with and "belong with said factory.
Power Boat "Carl P."- 50 ft. long, 20 tons, equipped with 40045 H.P Heavy Duty lufflao Engine.
Power Boat "Good. Brothers1?- 38 ft.long,-----------t&aa, equipped with H .p.. fretrvy
MSjreBraan ?ngine.
Schooner "Chester " gross tons, 2'--60 with sails, length 69' breadth 19' 7".
j < f j ?	/
Schooner'^Lexingtcn "gross tons 23-60 with sails, leingth 69? breadth 19i 7" depth 4' 7".
Schooner "Uiona" gross tons 23-60 with sails, leAgth 69' broadth 19* 7? depth 4? 7?.
, ?
Schooner "Clara Beatrice" gross tons 25, with sails, leigth 56' breadth 20', depth 4 1 .
Schooner "Althea" grosu- tons 25-69 with sails, length 55' breadth 19'9", depth
bchooner Vixon" grous tons 19-61 with sails, length 49' 9", Breadth 17' 3?
Schooner "$elle Creole" gross tons 19-1Q with sails, length 49?6", breadth 17'9",depth 4?I".
It	II	,
Schooner RoVer gross tons 14 with s:.ils, length 45' bceadth 16-fi/lO, depth
Schooner Charles ?i'eahney",gross tons 23-88 with sails, length 49,7"I breadth 20? depth 411".
Schooner "uissouri Stiglets" gross tons 20 with sails length 49?, breadth 18>*.	,
, depth 411".	?
Schooner "Cherso", gross tons 18-62 with sails, length 48'3", Breadth 17'
2", depth 317".	<	.	j
It being the intention of th?3 grantors to convey all proptety, real and persona' belonging 1q said Company in the City of Buy ??'t.Louis, except merohancise, such as cans cases, solder, lables and canned goods, which is not included in this sale.
..itness the signature of Frederick A.'.orsch, the President of the Peerless Oyster Company limited, and the seal of said body corporate this fourth day
I ?
of,November, A.1'. 1920.	?

Firsching 046
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