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Liston A. Gardebled, Sr., Son of Former Mayor, Laid to Rest at New Orleans.
The death in Now Orleans on Inst Thursday of I.iston A. Gardebled, Sr., wns n'>{('i;I with regret here as Mr. Gardebled wets a native of Bay St. Louis. and hi-; father had served as mayor of the city repeatedly, residing here for many years. In addition to serving the city with distinction as its chief executive, he had also served in private business rapacity, ;i contractor and builder to whose err'd it are many of the major buildings of the city. Under his administration the present city hall was constructed.
Mr. Gardebled had resided at 439 South Telcmachus street and was the husband of Mae Gaudet, and son of Mary E. Iluber and the late Gaston G. Gardebled, stepson of James \V. Hums.
Tho funeral was held on Sunday November 3, at 2 o?clock from the funeral home of F. Laudemier & Company on North Rampart Street, New Orleans with services at Sacred Heart Church and interment in St. John Scmotery.
The dcce.iM?d is survived by two dnughtei s. Helen Mae and Kula and three sons, Liston, Jr., Robert and Felix, and two brothers, Gaston G. Jr.. and Navcttc, and four sisters, Mrs. L. O. Aid, Mrs. J. G. Bolen, Mrs. Michacl Lucia, and Mrs. A. J. Knowles of Savannah. Ga.
The dor v.wd was in his early thirties and h's imlimoly demise is deplored. Tnc family have deep sym-
pathy of friends in Bay St. Louis, as well as elsewhere. To his mother especially, Mrs. Mary Huber Garde-bled-Burns, who maintains a home in State street, Bay St. Louis, where with Mr. Burns she makes her home most of the time.
Mr. Gardebled was 32 years of age. He had beep, ill for a long time as a result of an accident over a year ago and died at Our Lady of the Lake Infirmary, Baton Rouge, I La. He was a. valued employee of the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board.

Gardebled Lison-Gardebled-Sr
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