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Clerk of Walthall County, a-Har. 7, 1907, N-5 Pike County, KtU McDonald, dau. of Irvin McDonald. She still liven Tylertown.
An adopted eont	10U?
a.	Seth Eugene Oinn, Jr. "Billy" wKn* FUry Lou Pittman. She ia employee of Tylertown Dank and he in with Faneral Home.
5.	Mary Beulah Oinn, b-Oct. 29, 1066, d-Aug. 29, 1915, m-3ept. 30, 1907,
N-23 Pike Co., Loula Oliver "Ollle" Bridge*, b-Aug. 16, 1082. She la buried Tylertown and he la hurled Smyrna (mar hi a old homo place.
a.	Mary Loulae Brldgea had infantllo paralysla an a amall child whioh left her afflioted mentally and physically and alnoe her father's death, ahe haa been confined in State inatltutlon.
6.	Era Hugh Olnn, b-Aug. 31, i860, d-Mar. 19, 1912, of burna received while standing in front of open grate, unmarried, burled Tylertown. A beautiful girl and beautiful charaotor. Inspiration for the following poem compoaed by tier Aunt, Roaa E. Oinn, published in U>e local newapapert
Aa we gather at the table and watoh each f.iMMnx faoe,
Tlie heart filla with emotion to see thr* vacant place.
We may atrlve to hide our longing 1*j Min nJdat of mirth and fun
But we're thinking, thinking, thinking of the Loved - the aboent one.
Yet whon the dAy la over and thoy all huvo gone to rest Wo feel the Heavenly Father doo* ulI tilings for the beat.
So we cheer our drooping aplrita with liv? lining of Uie Sun
But we oan't help thinking, thinking, uf thu loved, Hwj absent one.
Celestial and bright the garments ??h** wMf 8
In bowera of bliss in glory up ?h*?r*;
And looking thia way thro* Heaven1* door,
She beckoris me home to that beautiftr! who
Doe a ahe think of me - beyond Uie bl??>
Doea ahe beckon me home to mansions cn lit^h Where Jesus hijoself's the glory aqd llahi.
Ia ahe thinking of me in heaven ton.Vght?
7.	Josephine Ila Oinn, b-Sept. 17, 1090, .<V?rm**riy a teacher in Public
Schools, now retired lives Tylertown. n* ? May 1917. Walthall County, _	*
T. B. Clavaland, b-1000,. d-1927. burli-.l TjltrLoun. 3 ohi (3h? has rafm?j'?
a.	Then Byron Cleveland, b-Aug. 23, V/l*', m-Dnc. 22, 19**5, Audrey
Taylor, b-Oot. 19, 1920. Byron in EN'rl rloal Englneor, long time employee with Weatinghouae,	now	live	732 Knollwood
Terrace, Weatfield, New Jersey, and	3 <:hi
1.	Charles Cleveland, b-Dec. 22, iy;*7, Pittsburg, Pa.
2.	DonnA Cleveland, b-Jan. 21, i V !?< ? Pittsburg.
3.	David Cleveland, b-Hay 31, 195)? Plttuburg.
b.	Caroline Cleveland, b-Dec. 7, 192?, TjJertown, graduate of MSCW, m-Dec. 22, 19**6 Ceall Rhodes Whitlock, l>-Nov. 2, 1921 Sheffield,
Ala. Cooil is with Western Auto Sloit*:* and they now reside in Sheffield, have 3 chi
1.	Gilbert Edward Whitlock, b-Aug.9, 1951, tap. Ilosp. Memphis.
2. Cecil Rhodes Whitlock, Jr. b-No*. 2H, 1953.	*	"	"
3. Sharon Joyce Whitlock, b-,ay B, ly>5, Bnp.llu&p. Momphls.
c.	Joyce Cleveland, b-Aug. 10, 1926 llcmulon, Tex. diotingulshod in Home Demonstration and Extension work. Now A|?*nt in Bolivar County, Mlsn. Unmarried.
8.	Lula Harriet Oinn, b-Dec. 11,1891, m- Nov. 191**, Walthall County, Mise. Winfred Eaton Collins, son of Oeorge H. and Alice Eaton Collins. They now live in semi-retirement in Magnolia. One dau:
a. Oretchen Evon Collins, B-Dec, 20, 1918, dlatlnguiahed in the field of nutrition, now with the Dept, of Health and Welfare, Washington, D.C. Served in SPARS during WW1I, spent two years in Lima, Peru, on contract with Harvar^ University. Unmarried,
c.	Dewitt David Olnn, b- Aug. 17, ^59, d-Deo. 9, 1936, m- Jan. 12, 1885,
A-*?23 Pike County, Sarah VictorlA Parker, b-Nov.19,1860, d-Sun.Mar. 20, I960, (Dau. of William and Louisa Brumfield Parker). Burled Tylertown, 9 chi 1. Wm..Kelly Oinn, b-Jan. 30, 1886, m-Mar. l*f, 1908, N-I37 Pike County, Bertha Lee Roberta, dau. of John Roberts* He served a? Supervisor,
'?th Dietrlot, Walthall County, for 32 years, lived Salem Community, member Manonlo Lqdge, Burled tylertown with maaonio rites Feb.13,1963*
a.	Hugh R. Olnn, lives near Salem Baptist Churoh, m- Nola Brumfield, dau. of Monroe Brumfield, had 3 sonst
1.	Hugh Larry Olnn, m-1960 Mary Ella ifushing, lives Baton Rouge.
a. Larry Keith Oinn, b-Aug. \kt 1962
2.	Joe Kelly Oinn, student at SW Jr. College, Summit.
3.	Roy Olnn
b.	Louise Olnn, m- Ed Brumfield, son of Jeaao Brumfield, lives Columbia.
1. Elaine Brumfield Kolly?e obituary snys he left, aurvltbi^wlfe, 1 son, 1 daughter, 4 grandchildren, great grandchildren, 1 brother Atley, k sisters.
2.	Thad Oinn. b-Oct. 9, 10137, d-Nov.2*v, 1922, m- Oot. 29, 1909, N-i+83 Pike, Ora L. Magee, b-Aprll 1, 1891, d-June I960, both buried Elliott, 1 aoni
a. Henry Olnn, m- Lillian Bean, of MAgnolia, Kiss.
1.	Thad W. Oinn, served with Armed Forces, m- Kay Shivers a. Judith Kathryn Oinn, b-Sept.19,1958
3.	EdnA Olnn, b-Sept.8, 1089, m- Doc. **, 1910, J. Victor Holmes, live Salem Community, he is Justice of PcACe, WAlthall Co. had 5 chi
a.	William Parker Holmos, Route 3, Jayess, Miss, m- Nora Martin, dau. of R. H. Martin, 3 ch:
1. Lester Holmes, m- Ellen __________	,	have	3	ob:
a.	Owyn Holmes
b.	Jimmie Holmes
c.	Jeffery Holmos
2.	Olondon Holmes, m- Alox MeBoth, have 3 ch:
a.	Oail McBoth
b.	Oarry McBeth
c.	(Jay McBeth
3.	F.dwina Holmes, m- RAy Saylor, 1 son DAnny RAy Saylor
b.	WillArd Josoph Holmes, veteran of WWII
c.	Atley Dewitt Holmos, m- Maxine Hatfield, hAd 5 ch:
1.	John Koy Holmes
2.	Ronald E. Holmes
3.	Jerry Lane Holmes
*?. Hilton, twin to Milton 5* Milton, twin
d.	Doris Holmes, m- 19**0, L. Bradford Johnson, Jr., lives at 6015 Clinton Blvd. Sho furnished information on this family in I960.
1.	)~ive Bradford Johnson III
2.	William Webster Johnson
3.	Deborah Kay Johnson

Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-18
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