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d.	Mason Ray Ginn, b-Aug.1*, 1924, lives Shreveport, m- Frankie Mao Woodall,
1.	Richard Ray Olnn
2.	Michael Frank Ginn
3.	Lucinda Jaiiq Ginn
4.	Hason Randall Oinn
e.	Nollie Kao Ginn, b-Oct. 28, 1926, m- Otio Robert Thomaa, b-Dec.15,1923. live Tylertown, 2 chi
1.	Judith Ann Thomaa, b-Doc. 26, 19**7
2,	Dowanna Jo Thomas, b-Aprll 8, 1951
f.	Arvln Lavon Ginn, b-July 3? 193**? Mar. 9* 1956. Rebooca Lou Whitt, b-Dec. 30, 1936. Formerly employed in Jackson, later in Memphis. She furnishod information on this family.Now with ft Lock Corp. Jackson,
1,	Arvln LAvon Ginn, Jr. b-Aprll 20, 1958
2.	RnJnhKG|np,rb-Jan. 2**, I960.
5.	Seab GlnA, ^-Mov<! ii, UMJO, m- May 1920, Ruby Grubbs, dau. of Enoch Grubbs, They live Salom Community, and hAve 4 ch.*
a.	Sedgio Ginn, b-Feb. 8, 1921, livna Union Community, m- Ethelyn Cormier, drtu. of A.J.Cormier, nnd l.lwy Ijavo 4 chi
1.	Dnndon Olnn, b-Feb. 1944, majoring in rollglous education at SW Jr, College, Summit, featured in artlale appoaring in Tylertown Times February 1962.
2.	Sodgie Ginn, Jr, b-Oct. 19**6
3.	Steve Olnn, b-Aig. 19**8
4.	Mary Ann Oinn, b-Nov. 1957
b.	twin, Willie	Mae Oinn, b-July 22,	1926,	diod ar.e	18	months.
0.	twin, Wllda Mae Olnn, b-July 22,	1926,	m-	Lewis	A.	Wright,	CAreor
Army Officer, live in North Carolina, and have 4 ch:
1.	Judy Wright, b-July 22, 1951
2.	Lewis Wright, Jr. b-Oct. 1952
3.	Janet Sue Wright, b-Doc. 1953
4.	Barbara	Jo Wright, b-Dec. 195**
d.	Bet tie Ginn,	b-Sept. 22, 1928, m-	July	30,	19**6,	Floyd Cothern,	postal
employee, lives 3158 Almeda Drive, Jackson, Miss. And hAve 3 ch, She gave Information on her family in i960.
1.	Allen Cothern, b--July 13. 1940
2.	Ricky Cothern, b-Mar. 3. 1952
"J. Jerry Wayne CoUiorn, b~D*c. 3, 195**.
6.	Lula Ginn (aft*?r child Na. 4 above, the ordor of birth is not known and tho
others Are liotod as they come to mind), m- Nov, 1915. Eli E, Lovell, a lumberman, thoy serrated and she movod from Tylertown to Har.lohurst, and 1)0 In	now An 1 nm a to of U?o Old	Mon's Homo, Madison, Minn,	Two nonsi
a,	Herbert Lovejj, a Career	Army Officer,	m- Charlotte	Mnnoker,
Flora, Miss, He hAS received several awards of merit, 2 ch:
1,	James Otln Lovell
2,	Chrlnsy lovoll
b.	Otis liovoll, killed in a pi a no orash during WWII, m- Uoatrice Garner of San Angelo, Texas.
7.	Wllmer Olnn,	Wilma	Magoe,	no	oh.
8.	Clyde	M. Ginn, twin to Hortha,	liven Kokomo,	m~ Ardetta Collins, 2 chi
a,	Hollln Ginn, liven Uaton	Rouge, La, m-	Van Walters
1.	Dowitt Walters
2.	Robacca lloKlna Walters Ken Allon Walters
4.	daughter
b,	Clyde NeulAn *Bud" Ginn honor graduato Sou. Univorsity Ilattlosburg in 1963. will tonch At Picayuno.
9,	Bertha Ginn, twin to	Clyde, m- (1) Herbert	Holmes,	1 ch. (2) Jap Foils,
(3)	RAy Sauls, lives	Foxworth.
a. Helen Holmes, *1-	Hilton Dunaway, had 3	ch:
1.	Barbara Jo Dunaway
2.	Romana Dunaway
3.	a son
10.	Ruby Olnn, m- Clinton Andrews, son of Pinckney D.and Martha Bullock Andrews,
a.	Juanita Andrews, m- Shelby Conerly, lives at Oulfport, Miss.
b.	Dorothy Andrews married, lives Oulfport, has a son, Gervis Jr,
c.	I.loyd Edwin Andrews m- Dolores Ounter
d? NslltM "inolltf!! Andrews n_ Madison Brumfield has son Pecky,
11.	Effle Oinn, m? fj/ Eollle Branton, (2) ______________ Dedeaux, lives Oulfport.
a.	Yvonne Branton, twice married and has children
b.	Myra Evelyn Branton
c.	Billy Jnan Branton, married and lives in Montana.
12.	Jewell R. Ginn, m- Snooky Jewell, Jackson, Miss, they now live Tylertown.
s* P*?K/ Joyco Ginn m- (1) Elhort E. Beard, New Orleans, 1a. divorced in Nov. 1959. two sons. 3he remarried (2) ___?
1.	Randy Board
2.	Jimmy Keith Board, b-Dec. 21, 1957
13* Hob Oinn, twin to Murray b and d May 20, 190**, burled China Orove l1*. Murray Oinn, twin to Bob b and d May 20, 190**	*	?	?
15* Mac Olnn, m- (l) Lucy Dean, had 1 son, m- (2) Mary Elica Luter, dau. of Robert Luter. They live Bogalusa, La, a. Buddy Dean Oinn
16.	Hud Ed Oinn, twin to Pearl, b-Dec. 7* 1909. d-Oct. 21, 1931. buried Mageos Creek,
17.	Pearl Ginn, twin to Bud Ed, b-Dec. 7. 1909. ?- George Marx, Jr. in private business, Haclehurst, Miss.
a.	George Ramsey Marx,
18.	This child died Infancy, name and order of birth not known,
JORDAN GINN, son of Huriah and Salena Smith Oinn. b-Aug. 5, )830, d-Hay 4, 1914, hurled Sim Morris Place east of Tylertown, m-cal052 Emily Brumfield, b-Feb. 6,1835? d- July 23. 191**, dau. of Cynthia Holmes and Davis Brumfield. Jordan and Emily Ginn has 11 children, order of birth taken from census records. The 1860 census Pike County, page 76, shows Jordan age 30. Emily 25, Margaret 6, Huey **, Sarah C,l. Tho 1H70 census of Pike, i^ge	171. shows Jordan age 40, Emily 30,	Margaret 16,
Huey	14, Cornno 12,	Cynthia 10, LuellA 6, Ellta 4, Davis 1,
a.	Infant of Jordan and Emily died early
b.	Margarot E. Olnn, b-ca 185** Pike County, Minn, d- at Bogalusa, La. m-Oct.31* 1906, Plko Co. to QharJlo MoManun. No children.
c.	Huey Olnn, b-ca 1*156, m* Doc. 20, 1882, A-93 Pike Co., Victoria Lewis, b-Aprll 23, 1857. d-Aug. 22, 1927, and they hAd 8 girls, 7 of whom wero living in I960.
1.	F.IIa Ginn, b-Mar. 23, 1884, m- W. Clwrllo OrnhAm, non of Alex. And MargAret IVinrd Graham.	ChArlle	died July 11, 1963, Age 85, leaving	wife Ella, 5
daus., 1 son,	12 grAnd	childron, 11 groat grandchildren, 2	bros., 1 sister.
a.	Ina Graham, m - Ottln Honnett, Hogaluoa, La, had 3 sons:
1.	CharJon Honnett
2,	Jerry Hennott
1.	Ottis Bonnetl, Jr.
b.	Tllllo Graham, m- JoTf Johnson, Tylertown, Mins. 2 chi
1.	Donald Johnnon toachor in schools at Wiggins.
2.	Cnrolyn Johnson, m- Johnnie UeAgan.

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