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1,	Otho E. Oinn, b-MAy 2**^. 1080, blinded by shotgun blast, m- Doc. 26, 1915. WalthAll County, Eula HcOowan,/an!er teaching in the Tylertown Schools for 43 years retired In 1963, Thoy had 2 ch:	Otho Eugene Olnn, d-9/l2/1963*
^fio *^1*7, Earl Rawls of Columbia, Hlao. Ho sorved in Army,
b.	Diane Rawls	*
c.	Daniel KawIa
2.	Hilton Kugone Ulun, liven in FloridA, m- Bertha Lno Hloimt, 2 sonnt
a. Hilton Wayne (IInn, m- Oct, 23, 1V59 ^ Tylertown, Edna Marie Jones
1.	Gregory Wayne Olnn b-Sopt. 15* I960
b.	Chris Olnn
J. Robert Victory Olnn, b-Hay 19, 1090, m- July 9? 1921, Ruby Fortinborry, 2 cht
1.	Jimmy liOU Oinn, m- Otis Byrd, lives Now Ho|X> Community, several childron:
n. Gwln Byrd
b,	Richard Byrd
c,	Robert Hyrd
d,	Marlon Byrd
0.	Patricia Hyrd
f.	Marshall Byrd p.. Amanda Hyrd
2.	IVihbie Jnan Olnn, m- Hollis McCain, lives Now Orloann, novoral childron:
a. Marqulta McCain
h.	Priscilla McCain
c.	Donita McCain
k. Irvin Franklin Olnn, b-Sept. 6, 1892, m- Doc, 28, 1921, Minnie Hood,'lives Kokomo, has two ch:
1* Donlce Ginn, m- Marshall Rop.ers, Columbia, Miss. 2 ch:
a.	Helen Ann Rogers
b.	Christopher Rogers
2,	Thomas Michael Oinn, Korean War Veteran, n- Edna Francos Martin, 2 ch:
a.	Thomas Michael Oinn, Jr.
b.	Frances Elitaboth Ginn
1,	Horbort Baxtor Olnn, b-Aug. 13, 1894, m- Doc, 21, 1928, 1)11-491 Plkn County,
Fannie Godbold of Summit, they livo Kokomo, havo 5 ch:
1.	Mary Agnon Olnn, m-Dec. 19. 195**, Jesno Howoll, Jr. Thoy now llvo 3536 Downing St., Jackson, and he is principal CHasLain Jr. High School, 3 ch:
a.	Jesse Lee Howell III
b.	John Carl Howell
c.	daughter
2.	Gilbert Oabriol Ginn died young
3.	Ella Francos Olnn, m- Doc. 19, 1955* Aubroy Lucas, has 2 ch:
A. MargAret Francos I.ucas
h.	Kolth Godbold Lucas, deed.
4.	Herbert Truitt Oinn, m- Aug. 14, 1959. Dorothy Hatel Coe of Decatur, Gat He is employee of YMCA and they live 2971 Orion Drive, Decatur.
5.	Martha Louise Ginn, unmarried, mathematics instructor at Balloy Jr. High School, Jackson, Sim gavo information 011 this family in 1961.
m. Dudley Paschal Ginn, twin of KAtle, b-Aprll 1, 1898, d-June 14, 1901, buried China Grove.
n. Katie Velma Oinn, twin to Dudley, b-Aprll 1, 1898. Family Bible is now in her jxjnnesnlon. m- Doc. 1, 1927? to ThAd ThomAS Plgott, b-Feb.2, 1873* d-July A, 1963i burled Knoxo. (Thad first mArried Amanda E. Holmes, dau. of Frank Holmos, and hAd 5 ch: Wilton A. Plgott, Dwight M. Plgott, Mrs. Walter Ferguson, Mrs, Comus Fortinborry, and Mrs, Eckle Fortinborry). Thad and Katio had 2 ch:
1.	Knnna Murray Plgott, b-Oot. 27, 1928, m- Juno 15, 1953. Tuttlo, 2 ch: Harlan Dale Plgott b-June 11, 195^1 Kenneth Karl Plgott b-Jan. 3, 1956*
2.	Olon Earl Plgott, b-Mar. 21, 1935, dlvorcod, no childron.
10,	SEIMOUR OINN, son of Huriah and SAlena Smith Oinn, b-ca I85O, m- Nov. 30, 1869* Bk.4, 03, Marion County, (1) Julia Magoe, dau. of Elisha and Mary Popo Magee, and had 6 ch. m- (2) Mattie Hogan, dau. of Rufus Regan, and had 4 ch. The 1080 census, p. 24, beat 4, Marion, shows Somore Oinn, w.
Julia	w.
Clnmentlno Ophelia Boyd
a. I/ona Olnn, b?ca 1071* no further informAtlpn on her.
b. Clomentino Ginn, b-cA 1873, reportedly married, living with her family between Columbia And HAttlesburg.
c.	OphellA Ginn, 1075* m- O) Ernost Popo (2) Stove Simmons, lives between FrAnklinton and DogaJusa, 3 Pope children.
1.	Dick Poffl
2.	Maxine Po|>e
Boyd Lafayette Ginn, b- Juno 9, 1877. d-S^pt. 4, 1940, n- Josephine Hartcog, b-Dec.. 14, 1073, d--April 5? 1948, both buried Carson Springs, had 4 ch:
1.	Mary I<oe Olnn, m- (1) Dock Tynos, no ch. m- (2) Ray Ellis Davis, b-Dec.
19,	1903* Tlmy serrated, he livos in Florida, she lives Rawls Springs, employed In Hattiesburg, 2 sons:
a.	Hay Ellis Davis, Jr., m- MArgAret Carr, lives RawIs Springs, has ch.
b.	Boyd Davis m- MarthA Winnie Barnos, livos RawIs Springs.
2.	Honry Olnn, m- (1) Hatel Gaddis, divorced, had 2 daus. m- (2) Estelle SumrAll, divorced Nov. I96I. had 2 sons:
a.	Joyce Evelyn Ginn
b.	Juno Oinn
c.	Wi11 jo Kay Ginn
d.	Charles Ed Ginn
3.	Lena Ginn, m* Keubon H Lott, now Asst. Postmaster Tylertown, Miss, had 6 childron, \hey 5o|w\ralrd, 3ho livos Improve Community. He gAve information on this family in Nov. i960.
a.	Harold	Lott,	n* ?	Yvonne Miley. has 3 ch.* Clifton, Mary Lynn,	Stephany,
Yvonne	Lott,	m	O.D.Martin, lives Doxler, has 3 ch:	Larry,	Diane,
And JuIIa Ann Martin.
Anlla Lolt, m* Robert Clory, 3 clu Kay, Clayton, SAmny Ray Clory,
Joan F.tta Lolt, m* Larry CtAin. 3 ch: Ricky, llitA, Kandy Crain.
5ho in nradualc nuree llAptisi llospitAl, New OrloAns.
e.	Nadino	I#ott,	Oachnera Nur&hln^ Staff, N?w Orleans
f.	Ronald	loll,	m	Sept. I5. 1962, EmeldA FAye Branch,	dAU. of	Rev.
Enon Branch.
Honor L. Ginn, b*Jan. 2, 19.13r killed in Automobile accident Nov. 29t
1933,	unmarried.
Dick Oinn. unmarried, drowned off Pearl nivor Bridge noAr Foxworth.
Nettle Ginn, m "3?ove" Stevenson, lived Houston, Toxas, 3 ch:
Kuby Si**enson Altl Stevenson Carl Slnvoiinon
Charles Olnn, liven OJuh.MJns. m Sallln Brakofield. (Near llaltlosburg) Anna Oinn m- (l) CharJoa Smith (2) Carl Ellison Estelle Smith m- Dock llolcolm
2,	U. Q. Sim ih
3,	Claud" Smith. twice married

Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-26
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