This text was obtained via automated optical character recognition.
It has not been edited and may therefore contain several errors.

a.	P?#fly Joyce Hrook, b-1929, m- Cletus Stringer, b-1929, hAd 3 ch: Brenda, Cletus, Jr., and Dollie Irene Stringer.
b.	Patricia Aim Brock, b-July 15* 1932, ?- Foy Seward Smith, b-1922, hnd 3 cht Patricia Oay, Mikol Herbert, and Kin Lee Smith.
c. Jo Ann Smith, b-Oct. 11, 1933* ?- 0*	Dree land, b?Jan* 10,
1934,	2 cht Jay Randal, and Laura leroy Breeland.
5*	Tlmlina	Smith, b-Sopt* 9* 1911* *- 1931	0)	Steve	Derry,	had	1	ch*
m- (2)	Walter Conrad Uhlman,	no ch.
a.	Frances Louise Berry, b-Nov* 8, 1932, m- Wayne McOraw, divorced,
LOUELLA "ELLA" BROCK, b-1061, dau. of Bethany Oinn And Valentine Brock, iw-Eugene Smith, nnd had 4 ch. After death of Ella, Eugene Smith m- Johnnie Wilson.
a.	Ellis Smith m- Lillie Sartin, had 2 cht
1.	Eugene Sartin Smith
2.	Audrey Smith m- Charles Hann
b.	Kolia	Smith	m- (1) Harry Jackson	and had	1	dau*	?-	(2)	Dewitt	Allen, livos
in East McComb, hnd 3 ch:
1.	ttorft Loreim Jackson, m- (1) Dr. Howard Combs, (2) Bush Leigh.
2* IJnwilt Allen, Jr., n- Mnrjorie M. Knnknl 3* Mabel Rosa Allen, m~ William Lane Humphrey 4* Eugene Smith Allen, m- Jeanette Blailook, had 2 cht Adriene Eugene, and Deborah Jane Allen.
0.	Bnlle Smith, m- Cyril Ruff, liven Atlanta, had 1 cht
1* Doris Ruff, m- Brooks Allison, had daut Sandra Allison,
d.	Frankie Smith, m- Harry Wright, they live Hew York, 1 ch:
1.	Frank Wright, married and has children.
1U3DEIUIY SEBASTIAN OINN, non of Jeptha nnd Penina Magee Oinn, b-ca 1012, died before the 1670 census, married his first cousin, Missant Magee, dau* of Henry Magee* The j070 census of Pike shows Missant Olnn as head of family, age 5;*. The 1000 census shows her age 64 in household of her daughter Francos Stallings* This family /milled nonr tlm Centrevllle Community aouthwoat of tylertown and are re for tod to hnve been burled on the old home place near Stallings Bridge*
1050 census Pike County* p*5	1060 Consus Pike County. P.74
Hasberry S. Oinn, 38 M* Farmer	RAsberry Oinn	47
Missant	32(May bo Missaret)	Missant	40	(Looks	like
Angelin*	15	Monry N.	21 Hi?o?rot)
llrnry N.H.M. 11	,	Lucotta	15
Francos A.A.	0	Jeptha B.	13
I.ucotta P.	6	R. S. Jr.	2
Jrptha B*	3
1, ANGELINE DILION, dau. of Raslxirry and Miooant Magoe Oinn, b-ca 1035, d-Aug* 24,
1062, (Old Silver Creek Church Minutes), m- William R. Dillon "Little Willis11, who	died at Vicksburg during the Civil War.	They had 3 clu
a.	Franoon Dillon "Fannie" b-Jan. 30, 1050,	d-July 21, 1916,	m- Dec.	11, 1877,
Henry Iverson Mageo, Jr*, b-July 22, 1049, d-Jan. 25* 1902. Henry's first wife waa Serona McElveen, and they were parents of a son, Willie Magee, whose family is covered on pnge 43*
1. Ira Iverson Mngee, b-Sept. 10, 1070, in- Dec. 20, 1905, Chastine Reeves, b-Aug. 26, 1884, thoy live east of Tylertown, 9 cht
a.	Twin of Vortie b and d Doc. 20, 1907
b* Vortie Mngee, twin, b-Dec. 1907, d-Oct* 19. 1959, n- Oct.31, 1920,
Dwight Moody Plgott, livod Knoxo, and she is buried there, 1 sum Charles Pigott, b-Aug. 11, 1938. c* Lottie Magee, b-Feb. 22, J910, m-	Alphonse Miller,	b-Sept.	5? 1909*
She is an accomplished I?oneaJcftist and supplied Die	data on	hor
family. Thoy had 1 son: Cioorge Thomas Millor, b-Doc. 12, 1936, a Mnlh Instructor, Covington, Iv\. m* Fob. 23, 1963. Joyce Rcevec.
d.	Thelma Ann Mni'ee, b-Foh. 9. 1912, m- Dr. James Woatherford Wolch, Aloxmidrla, Ln., 3 cht
L. Jnmoa WcaUwrford Wolch, Jr., b-1937, m- 19.*)8, Mary Louiso Whito, and Umy	havo a	dnus Dehorn	Ann	Wolch,	b-1959*
Jo Kllen Wolch,	b-kur..	14, 1^*0
M/iry Aim Wolch,	h-Oct.	20, 1940
0,	Mnftfcle Holen Mageo,	b-Aug.	4, 1914,	m-	Wilton	Plgott,	they live
Knoxo, 2 ch:
1.	Wilton Duproe Pigott, b-Oct.6, 1932, ft Methodist Minister at Croflhy, Ml:?n. m- Arvio Whito, 2 ch: Kathy Ann, and Joan Plgott*
2.	Thad Ira Plgott, b-Oct. 16, 1935, liven Pruntlas, Miss, m-PeRfV Aah, has a daut Barbara Lynn Plgott, b-Aug. 19^0.
f.	Fred Ma^oo, b-Fob. 23, 3910, m- Frnncno Otilnn, dau. of Dr. E.K.Oulnn, Okoloita, Miso., Umy livo Albuquerque, N* Moxico, 3 cht Mary Maudo Magoo b-1947, Fred Ira Mn/?oe b-1949, and Margaret Ann Mngeo b-1956, p.. nnd h. Iwino, died infancy
1.	Donjnmin Mngoo "WonM b-Oct. 21, 1926, m* Mamin Lnura Fortinborry, livo at Koosler Field, Biloxi, ho Is Sgt. in USAF, 2 ch:
llonry Iverson Magee b-1952, and Bon Ed Mngeo b-1953?
2.	Dora Mageo, b-Jan. 17, 1080, m~ Lucius Johnson, b-Feb. 8, 1080, d- Oct*
10,	1953, lived near Mesa, and had 9 ch:

Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-37
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