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7.	Juliua E. Magoe, died March 1963 *t age 59,	former Dean	at	Southwest
Junior College, 3ummlt, Miea., m- Ottomeae	Price of	Prentiaa,	a
former Home Demonstration Agent in Pike Count/, fie was a veteran of WWII, a Mason, member of Rotary, and Citltens Council. 1 child! a. Laura Joan Mngee, Mew Orlnana, La.
0.	James E. Magee, m- Julia Quin, hAd 3 dAui
a. Joyce Connell Mngee, m- Aug. 21, 1955, Jimmy Smith, aon of John I). Smith, Mendenhall, Mias.
9.	Wade tampion Magee, m- Mar. 11, 1933, "Tiny* tana Mao Walter*, they are in private businosa, live Dinan Community, 2 dauat
a.	Jnnella Rose Magee, b-1939? received two eaaay awarda Tylertown High School, D.S. Degree Univ. Medical Center, received Busch
fr. tamb Honorary Science Award, m- July 10, I960, Dr, Carl Ouatav Rvers, have a dau: Karen Alicia Evera, b-Jan, 3, 1962.
b.	Gloria Katie Magee.
10.	Louis Howard Magee, thrice married. (2) Kathleen Wooley, and (3) Sybil Warner. Had a son: Louise Howard Mageo, Jr,
L. Honroe Mngee, b-Oct. 19, 1870, d-June 11, 19**5? The grave marker ahowa the date of hia birth as 1674, but the 1870 oenaus for Pike County shows him aa two months old. Ho m- Florence Magee, b-Jan. 14, 1875* d-Oct. 27* 1939* dau. of Nelson Mngoe. 77my livod in Dinan Community, both buried at Elliot Cemetery. Hnd two aonai
1.	Lucius Nelaon Magee, b-May 4, 1898, d-Sept. 24, 1952, buried Tylertown, m- Nancy Etta Johnson, and after death of Lucius ahe married her childhood sweetheart. No children.
2.	Alton Magee, b- 1906, m- 1928, Edith Quin, slater of Julia above.
No children.
Jamea C. Mngee "Jim", b-1873, d-1951, married Kate Harvey Magee, widow of his brother Honry Magee, above. No children.
Sarah Jewett Magee, b-Mar. 4, 1880, d-Sun. June 16, 1957, m- Daniel Harvey, b-Dec. 21, 1874, d-May 26, 1925, both buried Elliott, had 10 chi
1.	Rodnoy Harvoy, m- Lillian Smith, dnu. of T. Nelson Smith, 2 chi
a.	tavon Harvoy b-1920, m- Cocil Welch, hAd 2 ch: Charles Harvey Welch and Cecilia Welch.
b.	Bobble Anita Harvey m- Arvin May
2.	Roy Harvey, m- Irma Dracey, dau. of George Dracy, 3 ch:
a.	Madron Harvey m- Sammy Alford, Jr., hnd aon: Vernon Alford.
b.	Mary ftelen Harvey m- Hollis foil, 3 cht MArgaret, Wnyne, and Mnry Nell.
c.	Ann Harvey,	m-	Douglas (Sonny Hoy) Crawford, 1 ch: Beverly Ann.
3*	Wright	Harvey,	m-	Mildred Drool and, dnu. of Buford Brooland, Imd I ch:
a.	Ann Harvey.
4. Miller Harvey, b-1910, m- Ruby Mnp,ee, aiator of Lillio Ginn. Miller was a candidate for Su|)orvlnor, Walthnll County in 1955* I ch:
a.	Dan Harvey.
5.	Louise	Harvey,	m-	(1) Duel Fortinborry, b-July 20, 1907, d-Aug.16,
1957*	Ho oj>eraled	a Barbershop in Tylertown. Louiso m- I960 (2)
Alcus Pigott, they live Tylertown. Sho hnd a dau:
a.	Snrnh Lou1no Fortinborry m-Juno 11, 1961, Jorry Olen TAlloy,
Cnnton, Mian.
6.	Henry Ford Harvey, b-Oct. 11, 1915, d-July 12, I960, Accidental gunnlwl. Ho wnn n foromnri nt flaapel'n in Tylertown, m- Lottie Brumfield, had 7.
a.	Brenda Sue Harvoy
b.	Sylvia Harvoy ra- Oct. 18, 1957, Jack Ballard. Sho was a graduate nurse, Natchot Gone ml Hospital.
7.	Overland Harvey m- Dorothy Wilson, had 2 cht
a.	Jane Harvey
b.	Alton Overland Harvey b-1950
8.	Preston Harvey, Veteran of WWII, Insurance Executive, Jackson, Mias, furniahed information on this family, m- Sandy Alfane, has 3 chi
a.	Sara Jewett Harvoy
b.	Michael Harvoy
c.	John Proa ton Harvoy
9.	Edward Harvoy, Votornn of WWII, livos old home place near Tylertown, has Family Bible in his possession, m- Pauline Griffith, haa 2 cht
a.	Brenda Jewett Harvey, b- 1955
b.	Oortnide Harvey
10.	(Ionova "Jennie" Harvoy m- (l) Robert Weaver, (2) Dob Moffitt, McComb.
a.	Dannie Weaver.,
f.	Eland Magee, dnu. of Eland and Louise Smith Magee, m- Tom Harvey, brother of Kate and Dan Harvey above, had 2 cht
1.	Margaret Mary Jlnrvoy, killed in car accident ca 1955* *t age 47. She was nt tltat time Aaat. Hotel Manager,McComb, Miaa.
2.	He11owese Harvey m- Jack Fields, no children.
Elnnd and Jewette Mar.oe wore girlhood frienda of my mother'a and our family album contains a picture of tltem aa young women. Eland'a mother died and ahe waa reared by her Aunt, Salena Smith Sartin. Information la that Jacob Schmidt, Jr., b-1798, had dauai Sarah Smith, b-ca 1832, m- Leander Sartin; Mary Jane Smith, b-ca 1838, m- Haveraon Magoe; Salena Smith m- Robert Sartin; and Louiae Smith who married ElAnd
BETHANEY A, H. "THANEY" MAGEE, daughter of Harriet Oinn and Haveraon Magee, d-Dec. 20, 1909, And is burled at Sartinavllle Cemetery north of Tylertown on Highway 27, m- James Obed Sartin, and had seven childrent
a.	Jnmea Alonso "Lonnie" Sartin, b-April 1, 1869, d-June 22, 1943* Florence Emily Willoughby, b-Mar.30, 18?0, d-Aug. 28, 195**, both buried Sartinavllle, and hnd 7 ch:
1.	Bertha Sartin m- Lee Jones, he died June 11, 1951* buried Greenwood Cemetery,Jackson, and ahe lives al. 762 North West Street, Jackaon, and furnished information on thin fAmlly. Hnd 6 ch:
a. Edith Jones m- H. l<ee Dunaway, And they operate a Convalescent Home at 764 North Congronn St., Jacknon, had ft aon: Lymonth Duriawny who is married nod lives Houston, Tex.
b. Doris Jonea m- Vernon J. Jones nnd thoy oporAte A cnttlo farm In l.ho Fnnnln Community, I dnu: Borthn Mne Jonen
c.	Maurice Jonen, m- J. C. Lovott, with 3unshine Biscuit bompany, Jncknon, no children.
d.	tae Stanley Jonea, m* Helen Horton, he in Government omployee in Wanhlnglon, D.C., and has a son: tae Stanley Jones, Jr.
e.	Willie James Junes, m-	Lorraine Holloway.	He	is	building	contractor in Jnckoon, and	has n non: Jimmy, Jr.
f.	Katherine Jnnnn, m~ John K. Walk Inn, n car nalenman for General Mo torn, 2 ch: Margnrnt, nnd n non b-Jnn. 1062.
2.	Ollio Sartin, b-Mar. 4, 1090* d-Sept. 2, 1^23.	n-	William	Rny	Bearden,
b>Jan. 2H, I89I, d-June 21,	1919, hnd 7. ch:
a.	Mil l.on W. Bnnrdon, hnn unml car businenn, Jncknon, Mins, m-Knlhloen Arnold from Camden, Minn. wo children.
b.	Oswald Bearden, a minister, m- Vena Tynen, dau. of J. L. Tynes.
They live Nnlchox, nnd have 3 aon?:	Loslie Rny, Jamon, Mil ton,
nnd Mlc(ine I Hoardon.
3.	Mertlo Sartin m- Malcolm Kal^ler Jones, McComb, Miss, they have 2 ch:

Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-44
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