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July 17.1912
Gulf Coast Progress, Wednesday, page 4, column 1.
Messrs. Claud Monti and Albert Heitzmann each mourn the loss of valuable hunting dogs which were poisoned during the past week....
January 11.1913
Sea Coast Echo, page 8, columns 2 & 3.
City of Bay St Louis City Council Meeting, bills approved and ordered paid: ... Albert Heitzmann, witness fee...$1.00....
....George Rudolph, for 30 bbls shells at 5c, $1.50....
February 8.1913
Sea Coast Echo, page 1, columns 6 & 7.
Also: 2/15/1913, p 1, c 6 & 7.
2/22/1913, p 1, c 6 & 7.
Delinquent Property Tax List for 1912 City of Bay St Louis.
. . . Albert Heitzman, lot 177, Ward 3, City Tax $7.68, Bond Tax $1.28, School Tax $3.25, School Bldg Tax .32c, Bond and Munincipal Improvement Fund $3.84, Costs $1.66, Adv and Selling .25c, Printers Fee .20c, Total $18.75....
September 27.1913
Sea Coast Echo, page 8, column 1.
Albert Heitzmann is having a building erected on his premises in Goodchildren Street, to be used as a baker shop. Separating the sales department of his business from his residence is in order to better meet the provisions of the State laws as promulgated by the Board of Health.
December 20,1913
Sea Coast Echo, page 8, columns 6 & 7.
Also: 1/10/1914, p. 8, c. 6 & 7.
1/17/1914, p. 8, c. 6& 7.
1/31/1914, p. 1, c. 1 & 2, through 7/11/14. Heitzmann’s Bakery Best Bread Baked The Cleanest and Most Sanitary Bakery in Town Good Bread cost no more than bad bread. Give me a Trial and let me show you.
Albert Heitzmann, Proprietor.
January 13.1914
Sea Coast Echo, page 8, column 1.
Attention is called to the advertisement of Heitzmann’s Bakery, well-known for the quality of bread and cleanliness of bakery. Sanitary inspectors for county and State give this bakery a clean bill every time.
February 28,1914
Sea Coast Echo, page 8, column 2.
Notice of Trustee’s Sale.
I, the undersigned trustee, under the provisions of and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me in a deed of trust made by Albert Heitzmann et ux to George R. Rea, trustee, on the 31st day of December, 1910, to secure a certain indebtedness to W.A. Me Donald, of Bay St Louis, Miss., and which said deed of trust is recorded in Vol. 4, pages 418-420, of the Records of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust of Hancock County, State of Mississippi, will, on MONDAY, THE 6th DAY OF APRIL, 1914, offer for sale and will sell at auction for cash to the highest bidder, at the front door of the County Courthouse, at Bay St Louis, Miss., during legal hours, the following-described lands:
Having a front of 108 feet on the western line of Hancock Street and running back between parallel lines 108 ft. apart, on a course north 70 degrees west, 100 feet, more or less, to the eastern line of a lot of land owned by Joan N. Seal. Bounded on the

Heitzmann Albert Joseph Heitzmann 1882-1955 - 08
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