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0	How	funds	loaned	and	secured	(Laws	1894,	ch.	74).?The funds arising from
v i
any disposition of the sixteenth sections now on hand, and all such as shall accrue, together with all unexpended balances of annual rentals which shall accumulate, shall be loaned out for terms not exceeding five years, to be fixed by the board of supervisors, and at a rate of interest not less than six per centum, to be likewise fixed, the borrower in all cases securing.the same by trust deed upon real estate, duly filed and recorded; but a loan shall not be made until after the borrower shall have furnished, at his own expense, a complete abstract of his title to the land offered as security for such loan, and that the certificate of the county attorney or of some reputable attorney satisfactory the board of supervisors be attached to said abstract, setting forth that in his opinion
the reputed owner of said lands has a perfect title, and the same appears of record, and that in his opinion the lands are ample security for the loan; such certificate,
together with abstract of title furnished by the borrower, shall be filed with the record of the trust deed. If any funds shall be loaned or invested in any other manner, each officer concerned in making such loan or investment or suffering the same to be made, in violation of the provisions of this section, sjpall
'safety of /he fcpd^o loaned, \
ms service oe so cerunea.
Pay of election officers.?The commissioners of election shall be entitled to three dollars each for every day actually employed in the performance of their c?uties, not to exceed ten (lays f<>r oi^elect^mj^'ffusunanagers, clerks and election bailiffs shall each be entitled to	each	election;	and	the	manager	or	other	person, who
shall carry to the place of voting, away from the court-house, the official ballots, ballot-boxes, poll books, and other necessaries, shall be allowed one dollar for so doing;
manager or oUier^ersonwho acts, as returning officer shall be allowed one dollar Jor Siat Service, alT tpne altowecV county treasury.
e^b^r(f^n^)ervisors, payable out of the
? <?. Register of sureties on bonds to be kent _T1,0 i i , ,
cerv courts shall each procure a well-bound hnnf ' C]	Clrcuit	and chan' rv
ruled, lined and headed to show the name of the n	alPhabetically and properly ^ y-^
obligor, name of obligee, date of bond, penalty 0f bo S?S' T' ?f	^<3
recorded, number of suit in which filed and c\?L r	d?	where	reco^ed if	'2
each bond, when filed in their ?tivT offices	^ ** shaU	?
each principal and surety, under the proper letter the nT^ *7 reC?rd name of of obligee, date, penalty, kind of bond, where recorded if Zln )P?CiP,al obllSor> name in which filed. And when such bond	n ( 0r(lpd? an(i number of suit
in said record under the proper heading. The'derkf oMhe^ th6re?fshal1 boentered so soon as said record has been obtained thin	f	u	ncery	court	sh?U	also,
and guardian?s bonds in matters at that time pending in thrT18? adlninistrator?s county.	p	g	in	the	chancery	court	of	his
326. The clerk is county auditor.?The clerk of the board of supervisors is tne county auditor, and shall perform the duties of auditor as provided by law.
3	32?.	His	salary;	how	paid	(Laws	1894,	Ch.	40).?The clerk, as county auditor, shall
receive a salary, to be annually fixed by the board of supervisors, payable at the end of each year, as follows: In counties where the assessed values of real and personal property does not exceed ono million rfol]nrsj4he salary shall nnt around o?e hundred if ~	.ill!... .mi num umrmtH	nrillionr,	mne	hundred	aa4-fifty
'j rlnllflrc? if nvo- Qnrl n half ..millinnR and not over T"U-lL?U-^'|Il1 dollar0< -
nTnnofiinjr three millions?fwonuhdred and fifty dollars.
Anri ir\	intxx iv ith flsspssprl value of real and personal property exceeding three null

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