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?Herman Is Regarded k Bantamweight L- Three Years
Cl. 1FB ad a. boxing champion Isn?t, as a rule, very long.
This month marksthe downfallof another supposed Invincible king when Kid William* was knocked from his perch at the^head .of the bantamweight division ?*ft?r?t*ro And half years' reign by-the P*flUtful^Pete-^<Kld)? Hflftnun, Iho rormer S?w oriwutB bootblack.
/H*rman,'s victory, wa* ** ?----------
4-?? -	-
ol the year, one of which was a ten-round no-declalon contest with Herman1, the lad who took the crown from him. The latter w&s a novice then, but was coming along strong and gave Williams a great
flght when the latter was tat the height, ijf his career.
uvir.onamp ........ <uo iweniy-rirst year.
- He stands 5 feet 2 Inches in his silk ?ocks, and von the championship in his home town. <; Herman is an Italian.
According* to the reports of the battle tt- was a hair-raising scrap from the opening gong until Referee Billy Rooap ?O? Philadelphia held up Herman?s rig! ? thand In token of victory at the conch l*i off iOf .the,jC*r on tletlt-round.
^*?1ti\in&st fights hr. ?.*?*-??-
...__ vi victory at the conolu-
KBllUtinbs^ fights bn Which therq Is. big Moner wigerea, the decision was not accepted In good grace by everybody, but 4 referee can?t please all hands, aa each lad has his ? constituents and thfe losing crowd is always bound to yelp.
.Won Title on Second Attempt.
This was, Herman's second chance to atht for the title. Early last year he (ought Williams a slashing twenty-round Iraw, and then Bpent the remainder of h?,yearon the Baltlmoreanfs trail seek-tig a return battle, which be Anally sue. seeded Jn getting- for January 9, and just 1A'11"	------
has been sllpp
Jo^ -r
_____jlghtTtinffrSIarch IT,
at which time he was given quite a trimming by the featherweight boss. The following month, April 5, to be ex-act, on the same day that Willard conquered Jack Johnson. Williams came within a second of losing his championship te Louisiana.
|* Tne Quaker lad fought the ex-champion , ill. Philadelphia and dropped him for tho . hhlile-aecond count. It was-; Louisiana.'q
*	toPeranxtousness and Williams' remark** i
?	bfc fighting instinct that enabled the con* | test to go the limit and save the championship for the Baltimorean.
? After that Williams! fought several I times, but didn't appear to be his old self until last fall, when on Several occasions j he displayed considerable of his old-time j ability which made him a demon among)
the bantams, but he met his Waterloo lnj New Orleans.,	1
; The new boss of the b&ntame Is not un-?
Known here. He fought .twice in this 1
,,clty. The first "time here he battled ??
?Lanky Lew Tendler and later met Harney??
I. Hahn, the promising " Port Richmond * nbahtam.	i
T His ? fellow-townsmen have gone wild1! Iver his newly acquired championship; tad. plan a big reception for him. ? Her-' ban hasn?t announced his plans as yet,? IndMt Is unlikely that he ? will do any-nlng at present but rest from the sever*? ain! he has been under for the \v nth, and It Is expected that after'
ains a good long rest he will vis**
Al Wambsgans Will Take Another Fling at Boxing
? ..... -v
ell known in t<v?t *?*-
* Al Wambscan*. well known is local.boxing circles as a fighter ami then as a referee, baa decided to stage a "comeback.? Watnbs-gans waa one of the cleverest of tbe local boxen, ami Ills retirement from ' the ring was not through any reversal, but simply be* cause be wearied of training.
nt when Wambagana joined tithe United States marines at. the otbreak of Ihe war with Oentmnx, he again took tip boxing and, tboarb he rose to the rank of first nontenant In the marines, be kept cn boxlns and returned fr^m tbe rani:* a mach heavier, itronftr and better conditioned man than when *e enlisted.
Wsmbsjjsns now is a light heavyweight.
liter- looking over some of tbe men In
its division, be baa resolved to one* .more
ry bla hand on th* rotigb part of* rinf
wit, and probably will fire up ae-Crefarea jc awhile.	,	{
John M. Abrams,--local prpcnotot; Wft^ghaa
? -	-V '
stared never*! bis shows at Heinetnann Park. Immediately signed Wuili*piu tip for h match October 20. Aa effort will ;be made to match Al with Husseil Manieri of Bar St. Louis, bat. if Manieri cannot be procured, Ihen Abrams will look after soma other*!'0'*1 Ufbt heavyweight. ?	?	?
Warobssrans will leave Kew Orleans Tnesd?r for* tbe ranch of a relative near Baton Rcmyv:.
. snd will tfo Into strenuous training. He always	has	taken excellent	bare of himself,
I being ? a well educated and ' Intelligent tel-j lows,	and	saj-a bo ia	fit	to cot to cood
t shape within a f**w week*..
At	now	weigh* in	the	neighborhood of
170 pounds, -ami- bis- fights while In the marines t>bvwed. be baa developed a Mir!i which will,co splendidly with bis *?feto. He Intend* to	oe wire of	Itlmitelf -bef-re rr*.
entering the rlns, and will. remain In th?? cootitfy training bani tiottl ? few ?iaya br-(hre October 20.* by wlich time Johnnie Abrams Mrs be will KH?e ? match for him.
all, Amateur Champion, to Become Professional
tf Rnssell Manieri, Bay St. T-onis middleweight who took a lacing from Martin Bttrke, I* looking for trouble he can be accommodated , by Jake Stall, local amateur mldrtlcveigbt I who baa forsaken tbe amateur ranks to become a professional.
John Cos. who will handle tbe ring affairs of tbe lateat professional middleweight entry, la anxious for a 15-roond battle for Stall against .Manieri.
Stall?s record aa an *raat?*ir Is a rery Impressive one. Jake ia an uptown favorite and oe has made a bit In all of lit* local ntarta. When Martin Bnrke turned, professional Stall was conceded the title or nmateor middleweight champion. Like. Burke. Stall?s profession outside of boxing Is that of machinist.
Am an amateur. Stall bolds a two-round knockout verdict over Scott Drago. Young 8teln went ont In two sessions before Stall. Jake ha* boxed George and Louis Landrlea exhibitions.
Report Urges Better Liquor and Poker <,	Chips	Legal	Tender.
.-Jackson,' Afiss., April 7.?The committee oii propositions ana grievances made the following tlmeTy and heartfelt report to tbe House during the morning session, same?.being adopted-without a dissenting vote. -?	.j
'."We have given due consideration to the complaint of- the Hon. Bill Stegall ,that the quality cif. liquor dispensed. In ?Jackson?Is?much- poorer.-than ? that distributed so- freely, during the secret caucus of 1010, .and find that this grievance fs well founded)-* Something ought to bA done about it.	v
.j - "Wa report with profound regret that ??.tlxeri::- are no more code sections left to . amend. Judge Brame -having tried- to amend' them all, and like Alexander of Jpbtd, he is left with no more worlds to conquer.
? ??we--eauTieslly , ut'ge that - the State 'Board of Health, at our next session, be required to furnish this body with an abundant supply of- hydrophobia serum to >b9. used* in preventing Hon. A. O. Paxil ton and' other ?membfcrs? from foaming at .the mouth, when bond issiterf are mentioned.	.	? V' .
?We*eamestlf' urge that this session .dp<i?ot adjourn without passing a stat-?ute making po^?gr chips legal tender, for the; especial -benefit of certain members who -*cve a passion for that fascinating. 5uf profitless pastime.- . QM??jMi4?*m?lti.our';4uty to' report that ?Cr7TL4ndsey obtained a beautiful bouquet ? of flowers yesterday, under falsa pretenses, and is not entitled to the gratitude of- the patriotic women of Mississippi, for the reason that he changed bla. $ote from * "nay** to "aye? on the ?bond issue, in "order'- to enter a motion ? to. racoijslder.-
Is with profound regret that w?
' repWtlthe defeat in the Senate of the iblll^'&reatlAg. a state' board of under-Vtakers; .There will *be urgent need for.. 'moi^^undertafrers in . Mississippi, during! ~ years, especially for* the if 'Vdf* political corpses.	t	*
i -"We .Would earnestly ,urge? that all? vvohlbltion .members whd vqted for -thr iwdiVeokly'bills-.ttefeafter refrain fror ^r*ging:/0jrfthe -liquor supplies of,M* anU^prombitlon members, and i feel *r iSV^ryjf.prohlbltltinlsl. ought to ( buy Jayi CorJilsAtttfTi rjlgnor.**- :?
^^'A^reB oi!r workmen * ia ,-. ?ngaged ^ ^demolishihg* the,vManieri:.' building I a Yostaurant. an?l dwc^liiicr. on {
?	?.'^tHeibeach front, head of .Washington j
where it has stood many years j r'^T'lbing 4buan,ens 'at the same old | vv];f ftand.*.illie. building is taken apart |
' ?aSWfefully.-lind*!will be reconstructed! ^jor^r^Marrifcri, to berutfed for the ^sAme^busyiass: on>% lot ? formerly joc-^cumea^by 'At -S&ficTe, .opposite*: the > KmisvillQ.	ashyill.e R.- R. premises.'
^Sir^AIanieri*!* of'the'opinion his new*
?	loi^tion'will prove* a- better one for ,iiUrthe year-round business purpose, valid.,will;' rebuild for bigger and bet-?t ter business.- He "has the best wishes-
?	: {of- the- ciimmunity in his enterprise
. >and* wf ^hope- his inove. will prove -all [. '.'?j^oSrthebettep. He is-a fine fellow^and j

Manieri Boxing-Restaurant
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Hancock County Historical Society
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