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The Cuevas Coat cf Arrs Illustrated left *as dravn by an heraldic artist fror information officially recorded in ancicnt beside arcMves. Cccu^rr :? t'.on fcr the Cuevas Coat of Arms design can be fo'^nd in Kietst*; Arr?cria\ C. ..?tra 1. Heraldic artists of old developed their own unicue lancuace to ooicnce arTTnTivTdLal C;:t of Arms. In their language, the Ams (sh;*1 i) is as folic*:.:
"D'arg. a treize tcurt. de gu., 3,3,3,3 et 1.?
When translated the Arms description is:
"Silver, thirteen red circles 3,3,3,3,a^o 1."
Farily nottos are believed to have originated as bittle criei In np1' 1 tirr*;.
A Kctto was not recorded with tt-e Cuevas Coat c Atts.
Individual surnames originated fcr the purpose cf nc*+ scrcifi'* idertific?!
Tne four primary sources for second vere:	ccwpof.&n, io..?:ior., f*:.her?s
name and personal characteristics. Ihe surn&^e Cuevjs appear: to be Icc***-'*! tn origin, and Is believed to be associated ihe Sp****'ar*'* r*?rij-.g, ?? t i?sc ca*ne fro?., cr lived near a cave or grotto." The si/ppler??nu?} srfit included with this report 1s designed to cive you wre inforcatlon to ?"urihpr % r ynce^standing cf the origin of narres. Different spellings of the sa*-e original surr.are a. e a comcn occurence. Dictionaries of surnames Indicate protible spelling variations.
The roost prominent variations of Cuevas ire Cuva, C-.*a<,, levies anJ Cve.?.
Census records available r'sc'ose th?* fact t^ere are aporcxircately *'03 heaos cf households 1n the Ihited States with ue old and du lu.guis^	nase.	The
United States Census Bureau estiis2tes there are approx Irately 1.7 persons per hcjier.&ld 1n Africa today which yields an appro*if:.dte U-tal of 3S2C people i'. *..<r United States carrying the Cuevas nin*.	Although the figure seer, relatively lc~, it
does not signify the :r.any important contributions individuals bearir.g the Cuevai name have wde to history.
No genealogical representation 1s Intended or irpliej by this report an? ,t dc?s not represent individual lineage or your farrily tree.

Oliver, T Cuevas-Coat-of-Arms
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