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Vid-SenteiTifcer 1959
"John Jones Pettur - ?,isrissi,T,~;i Fire-^ater" tv Rol'crt VJ. Dutay (1 n75)
I'i ^-Ocoterrter (1^59) found John Pettus	entering	Hancock County
for	the finale of his tid ^or	the executive	mansion.	Despite rain
ar.d hirh vindp he 'roke nt the Gainesville Courthouse, declaring that Der-ocrats "ere snlid on the issues, and "found a response in the hearts of the neoDle."
After Gainesville, there	v.'as a hurried	ston at Ohieldstoro
for	v.?hich ",~en of every race"	turned out.
John .^ettus totalled ?'L,':^9 votes as onnosed to 10,303 for his onnonent, Harvey V.Talter, for Governor throughout yississinpi.
C^T)onent H. v?. '.'alter did not 'receive a single vote in Jacvson or I'arion Counties (as vas true in Franklin and Oankin).
"That the fire-eater doctrine had triunnhed vas ur.ristakatle; the day of the deras;ogue had arrived."

Pettus 001
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